onsdag 6 mars 2024

Final Fantasy III (Pixel Remaster) (Switch)


Pretty much the jobs I used.

Third game and pretty much the most interesting of all these games since it's actually the first time we got the 2D version in Europe or US. I of course have the DS-version (two of them as well to one day fix the locked behind social connection dungeons and weapons) and I enjoyed that for what it was. Of course this version doesn't have Luneth, Arc, Refia or Ignus and the tied in story beats for these characters so I just reused Niklas, Aang, Tara and Imaginos. And used fighter, monk, white and black mage for the starter. It gave you access to the jobs much faster since you get it in the starting cave while on the DS you had to defeat the Djinn first and uncurse everyone. Monk seemed to be the master stroke since damage output is phenomenal together with Black Belt made Aang MVP yet again.

Having knowledge about what's gonna happen helped a lot.. or it would have if I hadn't forgotten the mini sequence early on. Didn't matter much this time around since they got rid of the adjustment period and I played this version legit. No boost in EXP or Gil (except EXP boost between level 3 and 4 since I tried out if it affected the job level up, didn't look that way so I quit that). In other cases, I kept Aang as a monk to level 99 and then a Black belt to level 99 and then a knight until I got the ninja class, occasional black mage during mini sequences. Tara white mage till 99 and then viking (which was rather good since the high defence allowed me to just attack with her) and then devout and sage when that came up. Used more potions for healing to get around that I didn't have a healer in the party. Imaginos a Black mage till level 99 and then a geomancer and then a Magus and then a sage for the end game. Geomancer worked rather good for the dividing enemies so I could handle that part of the game with just one dark knight. Niklas had to change the most. First fighter, then red mage, thief, scholar and then I stuck with dragoon as soon I got that until I got a dark blade after the Geruda fight so I could switch to dark knight which I held until the ninja class was found. 

I played it a bit slower as well. Instead of rushing to place to place I took a tour around the islands on boat and under water as well which probably helped with levels. I ended up with level 53 after almost 15 hours of play. And I finished the game that way. I assume they nerfed the end encounter a bit since I recall I had to grind to level 70-80 to get over 5000 hp to stand a chance against the particle beam, but it was nerve wracking fighting 6 boss battles in a row. I don't know if the crystals healed you in the DS, but thank god for that this time, plus I probably would have been ok with the auto-save feature sending me back so I could grind around a crystal if need be.

So... DS or Switch? Not gonna lie, the simpler version and auto-battle features are pretty nice... but there is the extra things in the DS version, a secret dungeon, extra sidequest and the ultimate black smith that rewards you for grinding jobs to 99. That is enticing (if it wasn't locked behind the damn mognet feature). And the small story bits with the named characters are better, since in the Pixel Remaster, there is pretty much only one character, Niklas who was character number 1 and got every connection with the other characters. In the DS version Luneth got Aria, Arc got prince Aura, Ignus got Sarah and Refia at least had her adoptive blacksmith father. It wasn't much, but it was something. At least there isn't any GBA or PSOne version.

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