lördag 21 april 2012

The Return

Wow, I was inactive for so long that they changed the layout. How long ago was it now? Last February? That is some time to cover. Easiest to explain is... a lot of work at my internship at a bank. Didn't lead to a real job, but I didn't expect any since I'm fairly up to date with the problems in the swedish financial sector or the economy overall. Wasn't time for that. So that went on until the end of March. Of course, at the same time I had to move from my apartment due to not studying anymore. So I moved in with my sister for the time being until something pops up or we are at each others throats. Or I will freeze to death since I'm having my bed just under the window and she insist that it shall be open all day. At cold spring days on the seventh floor surrounded by open water. The winds are freezing.

Anyway, there is nothing else to say really, just letting anyone reading that the blog isn't abandon and might wake up again now that I have some more free time. Unfortunately I am a bit late for making resurrection jokes and all that due to easter being a couple of weeks ago. What I can say is that SVT disappoints me. They didn't show Jesus Christ Superstar this time. I feel betrayed. It was becoming a tradition for me... and now they stole it away from me. Oh cruel world. Or so I thought, but apparently they didn't show it in 2010 either and I didn't find anything about it last year. Who would have thought that. My memory sucks.