lördag 31 maj 2014

Pikmin 3

Pikmin 3 box artwork.png

So I finally got to play some games and I started with Pikmin. Finished it in 10 hours in the first playthrough and then something similar on a second play though with 100 %. A desperate hunt for fruit in order to save a starving planet which are combined with the search for the key to escape this alien planet, which seems familiar if you disregard the strange creatures.  The differences from the last game are two new pikmin-types, one flying and one hard as a rock, and the inclusion of three separate main characters making it possible for three separate groups and micromanagement. Similar to the first game there is a time limit, but as the highest something like 90 days compared to 30 in the original. Of course I did 100 % in 33 days, the hard core gamer I am.

Really, it is very interesting with the gamepad integration as it work as a map, encyclopedia and a means of giving orders since you can set one team to go to one side of the map while doing other things with the others. Of course, the AI will get the pikmins eaten or killed by terrain hazards if they pass by, so don't forget about them. If you miss Captain Olimar and Louie don't fret since they will make cameos that any pikmin lover will appreciate. I can't say which game in the series I prefer more, finishing the first game felt as a huge accomplishment with the 30-day time limit which was lenient for a few mistakes, but nothing more. The second game had no time limit making it easier, but due to that no pressure and no feeling of wonder at winning the game. Maybe 100 % it will give you that since I only finished the first main storyline before rescuing Louie. Game 2 and 3 is probably better for newcomers if anyone asks. Fun to play and since it was, like 8 years since the last game (?), Pikmin 3 is well worth it for Wii U players.

torsdag 22 maj 2014

Doin' the Omoralisk Schlagerfestival '14 (6)

So I watched the final of the show and the bearded woman/man in drag from Austria won. Not a bad song, but with the political turmoil in Ukraine/Russia and Belarus and Russias strong dismay with the act before the show there is a lingering feeling the winner won for the wrong reasons. But that could also be just me since I found Switzerland being the prefered song. And per usual, they end up in the middle and a country song from the Netherlands take second place, a song that just drones on and on forever.

Then we have "inspired by”-songs. First out and not so obvious is Italy's rock song and it's the first guitarr riff opening. It took me a while, but it sound vaugly familiair to The Cardigans song My favourite game. Although that could just be me. The other one is Spains Dancing in the Rain, not counting of course the cliched naming with songs like Singin in the rain and Crying in the rain (I belive Children of ... is more common, but that was Great Britains song). This one is found in the chorus with how the rythm goes cause it sounds awefully similair to All by Myself. I can't be the only one that hears that.

Anything else to mention? Well, I belive that Georgia should have taken Finlands place in the final since I prefer 70's hippie rock over ”modern” silver boy rock bands, but that could just be my taste for the classic sound over this modern whatever.

måndag 5 maj 2014

In Wait For The Wii U

So I was finally able to play the Wii U... after updating it for a couple of hours (my sisters internet connection was probably not the best, but it was all I got). So now I finally have Earthbound in my collection and it has its moments this hour or so I played. Sadly I only got two main games with me, Nintendoland and Super Mario bros U + Super Luigi U that me and my sister tried to play. Thing is I only had the gamepad and a Wii U Pro Controller with me (since all my wiimotes are locked in storage). Now, Nintendoland I can let slide since the Pro Controller may not have existed then so I don't fault it for not working. Super Mario bros on the other hand is a completely different story. The Controller worked, but the catch is that in multiplayer you must at least have two controllers other than the gamepad. Why? Well its supposed to work as a fifth player helping the others by creating blocks and distracting enemies (perfect for that annoying sibling who isn't that good at video games, at least see them as a potiential extra difficulty), but the question remain, why can't I play a normal two player with it? Seriously, shouldn't I be able to choose if I want it to work either way? Do I really have to buy a third controller for co-op? Nintendo what were you thinking?

So for our co-op gaming we had to settle for Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, a beat 'em up based on D&D. Really fun actually, unless you replay it around 10-15 times over 4 days. Also, as it appears with most modern consoles, 24-hour internet connection recommended. During the game it decided to download two apps, which when looked upon I won't touch and be the first to go if storage get tight. I have a couple of problems with this method though, one being that in order for the download to install and update I have to watch it.  Why when I got a gamepad that highlights it's asymmetric gameplay mechanic as a plus? Maybe it needs all processing power, since I'm no expert, but couldn't I at least be able to read the manuals on the games I have to pass time? My sister solved this by turning on the TV, but still. Also, could I at least see how big they are before starting the process? Took over one hour for each app (but again, I blame my sisters internet, but it's hard to prove with no knowledge on the size of it and just some random number between 5 minutes and 100 hours to completion). On the plus side it saved the progress so when the internet crapped out it just restarted once back online.

All in all, initial reactions are mixed, but I should probably wait until I actually play some games created for the system before passing judgment. Also, playing with gamepad feels like an over-sized GBA and with sound from both the TV and pad with the same image on both screens makes it hard to focus on the TV as the pad is closer. Supposedly you can turn the pad screen of, although I haven't figured it out yet.