lördag 9 januari 2010

Political Mazes

Why am I interested in politics some of you might ask (actually I don't believe anyone wonders that, it's just a rhetorical question)? I wonder that myself sometimes, it is not the interesting way how a municipality decide what to do in the "democratic process". And today I know way. It's because things like these that make it so interesting. In short, someone made a poll if Margot Wallström would have a better shoot at the prime minister post then the cureent social democratic leader Mona Sahlin. The reason for this is that even if the opposition seems to have an advantage in the opinion at the moment, people still prefer the current Prime Minister over hos opponent. She don't even stand as the second option but the third after Maria Wetterstrand of the Green Party. And now some of her own party in southern Sweden as said that thy could think to oust Sahlin and replace her with Wallström.

It's a struggle for power, a Coup d'etat and it is MAGNIFICENT. It even gets grander with the fact that when Sahlin was elected in 2007 (third/fourth/fifth choice or something like that) she had the whole congress behind her and the public opinion said that S would end up above 40%, even 45%. As the savior for her party that had suffered the worst loss since the 1930's (36-37% or something like that) she would have delivered the first female prime minister of Sweden...and now she can't even control her own party, the achievement of 40% of the voters seems impossible as they seems to struggle just to reach the last election results. This is what I'm talking about, drama, suspense and intrigues. Better than any movie ever.

And then it's the sitting government consisting of 4 parties. The leading party seeming to do it's best election ever and appear to be above 30% with a leader 60% of the Swedish people seeing to be the best choice for prime minister. And they might still lose the position. This because their 3 supporting parties and 2 in particular. The Christ democrats no-one should be surprised as they mostly always walks on the edge of a seat in the parliament or not. More problematic is it for the Centre Party as they once was the leading party for a center-right coalition in government way back in the 70's. They even where the third biggest party in the last election (of course only with 7-8%). The liberal people party seems to stand their ground around the 6-8 %. The political scientist just waits to see if the alliance will stand this test of opinions or lash at each others to survive or even jump above the 10 % level.

And then it's the jokers, the Pirate party and Sd. Sd going up and down around 3-5 % where 4 % is the groundbreaking percentage point. Just out of spite and fun it would be interesting if they got just 3.99 % and therefore couldn't qualify. The Pirate party? They don't seem to exist on the radar at the moment. Not much seems to apper to happen on their front. But if Sd goes in nothing happens, everyone has pretty much agreed on that, but if the pirates entrer the parliament who will they side with? They sided with the greens in the EU election, but the greens are supporting the Social democrates who more or less started the process they figh against with the FRA-law and all that. But they wouldn't probably follow the allaiance either as they continued it. So, where will they stand?

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