onsdag 29 maj 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E6 - The Founder


Esteban and Zia is brought in front of the French king Francis I that seems to be the protector of the Order of the Hourglass that Esteban's father, Ambrosius and Leguerra founded after their mentor, Leonardo da Vinci. And the scared priest or something was in fact also a member of the Order of the Hourglass named, Nostradamus... how interesting. Ambrosius in his Zares costume follows and attacks the children and the Order, seen as a traitor by the other members of the Order and is able to take the artefact the children found. He jumps back to Africa and is on his way.

Meanwhile Mendoza have infiltrated the airship and is reunited with Leguerra, but she stays behind since she must stop Ambrosius somehow. Mendoza returns to the city but is knocked out by Gaspard, but both gets captured by the city guards.

Sancho and Pedro lets the gold fever gets the better of them and is caught by the city guards, but they are able to escape and ends up in the hut belonging to the sister of the king that seems to take a very special interest in the two, so much so that they find it's safer to run to the guards. They are all brought before the king, but before Sancho and Pedro is given the capital punishment the king's sister intervenes and takes Sancho and Pedro away. Mendoza and Gaspard almost begins fighting until Ambrosius returns, leaves Gaspard behind and heads for the airship. Esteban follows, but is too late as he watches Ambrosius fly away with Gaspard having escaped and now hanging on for dear life on the airship.

And the documentary was on Francis I and Leonardo da Vinci and his inventions.

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