onsdag 22 maj 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E5 - Gate of the Elders


I don't think we're in Africa anymore!

Our heroes are flying over Zimbabwe, which roughly lies where I thought the Drakensberg was supposed to be so I was clearly wrong. Instead we end up at the capital of the decendents from the people of Sheba. The Condor crashes into the walls of the city so the children allows themselves to be kidnapped in order for the adults to hide and come out during nightfall. They are shown to the king of the town and he, for some reason shows them around and when he notices Zia's medallion takes them to the gate of the Elders. A monument in gold (or probably Orichalcium) where the children places the medallions and open up a portal where they enter, ending up in the Chatau de Chambord, a French castle were another gate lies as well as a lot of other artefacts from all around the world. They scare a priest or something that calls the guards. Tao escapes and ends up in a room filled with the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci that also appears in his book (maybe hinting that Leonardo got those ideas from a Mu pyramid that seemed to have been stored there as well, which feels a bit reversal off non-European civilisations got their tech from aliens). Apparently some sources believe he designed parts of the castle as well.

Ambrosius picks up the Olmecs and travels to Zimbabwe and are quite shocked to see the Condor there before him and the children already passed through the gate. He already knew what the gate was for having seen the French one as well saved the people from an epidemic in Zimbabwe. He gears up and prepares to jump through the gate. Mendoza corners Gaspard that reveals that Leguerre is captured and that she works for Charles V, Gaspard is then knocked out. Leguerra finally breaks out of her prison (did it earlier in the episode but had to return when Gaspard came to tell her about the Olmecs).

The documentary was about Chatau de Chambord and the second part is about the unfinished part of the Castle in the show. Apparently it took 30 years to build it (sounded like a 100 when I tried to read the subtitles).

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