onsdag 5 juni 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E7 - The Roaring Smoke


Tintin already did this with a hidden city behind a waterfall!

Ambrosius is able to find the place where the city of Ophir is hidden after Leguerra is able to translate the riddle about the smoke that thunders. Not a volcano as everyone thinks, but a waterfall. They land and is about to climb up, arriving at steps made out of orichalcum and a new riddle... which I don't understand what it is. According to the translation it was something about things that seemed to be together. Anyway, one falls move and a pillar of stone shoots out and may push you to your death. Of course, the ones that are pushed are saved, Leguerra and Ambrosius. 

Our heroes meanwhile have a bit of a problem. Tao has lost confidence in himself, again I would say and opts to stay in France and study under the Order of the Hourglass. Mendoza and Esteban clears the rubble, and Pedro is being pretty much hit on by the king's sister during the whole stay until they are allowed to continue their journey. Zia tells the whole story to the king of Zimbabwe who tells them about the waterfall they are looking for after getting the riddle, Francis I shows up and invites the king over to France and then they head off.

They arrive and is captured by one of the Olmecs and they join Ambrosius and Zia, with the stories Tao told her about the different animals and such is able to translate the pictures and take them toward the top where the City of Ophir hides. Ambrosius heads on and tells the Olmec to get rid of them.

The documentary was on the wall of the capital of Zimbabwe, rather interesting building since it hasn't cement or mortar, it was just stones laid on top of each other creating an interesting pattern.

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