onsdag 1 maj 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E2 - Zia's Dream


She's sleeping on the job!

Well, had to continue sometime and I got the craving and there was still no physical release of the thing (or even streaming or digital release either) so I had to make it with the France dub on youtube. At least the english subs are fairly decent, except at some point. There's a point when Leguerra says canaille, which roughly translates to scoundrel, but it was translated here to fucker... I don't think this is what they where going for cause it's so out of place in a children show. And then I haven't studied French but I least I know that word.

Well, story continues where the last one ended. Tao and Esteban is trapped under the rubble from the earthquake and the others tries to find them. Zia uses her mind powers to speak with some mole rats (you know, Rufus from Kim Possible) and gets them to help locate the boys. The village elder helps with the digging and they are able to uncover the children, but another quake collapses the rubble over them again and then Zia turns super sayan and lifts all stones with her mind long enough so that they can escape and then she falls into a coma. And the music is back!

As the other stands guard over Zia the village elder tells them the story of the Queen of Sheba that lived during the age of Solomon and apparently lived in a golden city with a mine, the city of Ophir and apparently had the worlds largest diamond. Zia meanwhile have a prophetic dream and sees a mask in the sky and a vision of the city of gold. More musical callbacks... although the scene would have been better with some technicolor hallucinations like in the first season, although I suspect that it is a callback to that very moment. She wakes up and they set out looking for a Portuguese that have studied the city.

Meanwhile on Ambrosius ship Legueera seems ready to rebel so while Gaspard steers the ship and Ambrosius have hidden himself in his secret lab Legueere sneaks in and finds his Grimoire that tells us that the diamond that the Queen of Sheba have is really the philosophers stone, the stone that can turn lead into gold, cure every disease and thwart death itself. The stakes are high now! Another tussle between Leguerra and Gaspard also reveals that Leguerra had given an item to the captain of Esperanta back in the last season and as Ambrosius overhears that he plots the ships course and then decide to follow, eager to get the item back.

The mini-documentary is about the food the heroes ate in the Ethiopian village and I had actually eaten that in an African restaurant in my city, but they closed half a year ago or something. Fascinating taste of the bread, but maybe to sweet for my taste (and I'm frankly one who like sweet). And then it followed with the mole rats and that they actually had added fur to them since the designer thought they looked ugly which Kokapetle call bullshit on... here I think yet another translation problem arise, but this time I didn't know the word instantly.

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