tisdag 25 februari 2014

The Secret Garden

So Estaban and Zia finally gets out of the maze and enter, what I pressume is what the title alludes to, the garden (still with fantastic music). Some sort of flowers that grows as they come near encased in glass. Some sort of fire burn in a container. They place the golden statue in front of it and the black pearls comes of and rolls into the fire (one must question if it rolled accidently right since it seemed to roll of center or if something drew it in). Then it procceds to levitate out and back to the statue, the statue glows up blinding the screen and then... nothing. Except maybe the pearl glowing. They decide to get out.

Meanwhile Tao tries to climb down, but are trapped on a cliff (with scorpions appearing on the wall). The old man notice a disturband in the vegitation and avoids getting chrushed, but destroying the door mechanism. Of course it's the captain. After a chase the old man is cornered at a ravine ith only a dagger to decend himself. The captain charges with his sword. It ends with both falling backwards and we see the captain fall down (I assume the old man clings on to the cliff or something like that since it is a kid show). Our second death everyone (if Mayuka isn't released from the temple that is).

Mendoza and gang tries to fix the airship and of course Sancho and Pedro fires of a couple of smoke bombs. A neat thing is that the preview from last episode made it look like the mongols would attack them, but in actuallity they fled, leaving this kid behind who Mendoza captures. After clearing out that missunderstanding they finally flies of.

Outside the maze Estaban climbs up and rescue Tao from the cliff and scorpions and they take the elevator up, closing the hole below them. Zia and Tao starts looking for the old man, Estaban meanwhile starts to loose sight and then falls, stinged by a scorpion. Poisoned near death, I know how it feels buddy. If we saw him get stung I don't know, I probably missed that. Will he survive? Well, yeah obviously, but how is the question. And the answer is on the next episode.

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