torsdag 20 februari 2014


Well, lets recap a couple of episodes. The golden condor gang meets up with Ambrosius outside of Peking. Mendoza and Ambrosius set out in search for a temple in the city. The kids goes into town for some fun while Sancho and Pedro try to keep up with them. They find the temple and the head monk shows the kids a passageway under a fountain that only the children of the sun can pass. The kids evade certain traps and finally gets their hand on a small golden statue of a dragon holding a black pearl, but as they get out the piece is stolen by a guy with a black dragon tattoo on his hand. He takes it to the Forbidden City and gives it to an adviser to the emperor. Estaban follows inside and the head monk must get him out without being seen, unfortunately the prince (who the monk tutor) overhears and takes Esteban place since he wants to see the world. 

From here Tao and Ambrosius arms the flying ship with smoke bombs after a short battle with Zares. Zia must babysit the prince when the switch is exposed showing him "the real world". Mendoza and the others search for Zia when Mendoza is kidnapped and brought to a djonk... our it looks like one on the outside, the inside look like a technicolor spaceship with some cryochamber containing.... Zares? First thought was robot. Second was maybe a surviving Olmec. No, not this kind of Olmec, rather this one. A third option would be Estabans father, the great profet and the high priest, although he didn't seem so ruthless, although surviving poisinous fumes from a volcano might cause something. Or it might be his mother in a cybernetic suit. After this episode Mendoza just leaves, he also feels rather differnt, almost more violent. Changed personality? Mind switch?

The high monk tries to get Estaban out of the palace but is incapacitaited and thrown in a well by the black dragon tattoo guy. Estaban takes back the golden dragon and the advisor is arrested for giving the emperor a roasted pig. At nightfall the others sneaks in with the airship under the firework display, the head monk gets out and spokes the tattoo guyas hes about to kill Estaban to get the dragon. The prince returns, Estaban boards the ship and the next morning they are of with Zares looking at them. This marks the halfway point of this season which I guess will end in Shangri-La, or at least in Himalaya and that points toward Shangri-La.

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