onsdag 26 februari 2014

The Child of the Sun

So Estaban is dying and they showed the scorpion sting again so I just missed it. How to save him? Zia gets flashbacks to flashbacks when her father talked about healing snake venom and then when she met the head monk of the shaolin temple and got some herbs. Or more accuratley seeds. How to get the blades necessary? Go back to the secret garden and open a glass container and replace the seed since the "flame oven" seems to create a 5-seconds life cycle of each plant. Then I made the connection that this must be a seedbank in case of the destruction of mankind (which in the show happened with the thermalnuclear war berween Atlantis and Mu). Of course replacing an unknown plant with a common herb feels abit... destructive. Well, they get back and put them on the wound and they have to wait the night out. Now we also goes back to the ravine and a hand is show, perspective shift, and we see someone climb ups walking toward the kids. Obviously the old man survived. He and Tao searches for an exit until dawn.

Meanwhile the grown-ups sneak above the wall in the airship and Mendoza sneaks in checking out a mirror where a crystal pyramid is hidden behind. Why? Is it really Mendoza? I might imagine things, but sometimes when he move it sounds like a thump, is it Zares? Anyway, Ambrosius compass acts up and they land finding an opening in the earth. They procced to blow it up.

Of course this is near the kids and the blast lets the sun in filling the cave with light, and of course this awakens the child of the sun, Estaban. They get out and the children run around in the light with a music score that sounds a lot like something from original series. To be continue!

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