söndag 2 februari 2014

Mysterious Cities of Gold 2012

I don't care that I've already written one post today, I have to mention this. As a coincidense my father happened to watch the Avatar: The Last Airbender-marathon at Nickelodeon and found out that they showed the first episode of the Mysterious Cities of Gold. As it was Nickelodeon I just had to see if it was the original Swedish voices or a new dub, or it might have been in english and that's just fine and dandy. So wesit down, watch the final episode of the Last Airbender while a clock is counting down in the corner. It reaches zero and... it is the second season they show, dubbed in Swedish. Talk about childlike surprise. I fully enjoyed it, with small complaints that the art don't feel fluid and some times just feels of. Not mentioning that the swedish dub is... not that good. Joked that the voice cast for Avatar would be the same and lo and behold, that was true. Doesn't say much since the original english was superb and the swedish one just passable. This made me look up who the english dub was and I couldn't find it and people discussing it remarked how bad it was. Has to look up an english version online to make a judgment call which sound better, but apparently non of the original voices reprised or cameoed which make it a shame. Well, at least I know what I will be watching for the next 26 days.

The episode itself began 6 months after the original series ended  for a short look at the current action and transport us then back 6 months with the old man Mayuka (which shows I was right) being forced to show the location of a hidden temple for this priest with no face. They enter and discover that a map supposed to be there was taken earlier by the protagonist children. The priest leaves locking the temple afterwards and trapping Mayuka. Flash forward 6 months and the children rescues  Mendoza and his two companions from the same priest who even helps them escape by saving Estaban from being shot by one of the guards. They escape out of Barcelona and Estaban asks Mendoza if the high priest of the Golden city was his father. Sadden by the news they go to sleep and the next morning Estaban is gone. What follows is a short narration of the next episode and some education segment, just like the original show so a great thumbs up for the creators to adopt the similarities of the original show. Tomorrow I must focus closer on the music to see if that holds up.

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