söndag 2 februari 2014

Doin' the Omoralisk Schlagerfestival '14 (1)

This year it took me by surprise, I had totally forgotten it began yesterday. Of course it is hard to forget it when all newspaper talk about it, all advertisment is about it, but somehow I didn't register until yesterday morning. But I wasn't supposed to watch it, none in my family was supposed to watch it and I thought I would boycott it this year, "I don't feel like watching". But then 20:00 comes closer and my mom suddenly changes her mind and I am forced to join her. And then it begins, and I gotta say, I don't think you are supposed to show the danish winner contribution that much and with red and white ballons everywhere (the colors of the danish flag), but since it's shown from Skåne which is practiclly half-danish I might let it slip. The songs then? All gone, nothing stands out, with maybe exception of the 23-year old blonde girl in the revealing outfit, but I might take a gamble here and say it wasn't because the song. There was also one song which had some catchy nonsense words in it, but that didn't make it at all and without repeat listenings the song is gone from my mind. Now it's five more weeks of this... God help us all!

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