söndag 30 augusti 2009

Too Loud...To Old

Feels like I'm getting to old to be active for a whole day. Damn, the Brännboll game ended not in our favor (losing all the 3 matches we were in, we all collectively blame our best player PO for not being there) and then the crayfish party later that evening was really fun but I'm probably not up to be that active for a whole day. Tired, thirsty (for something else than alcohol) and my body hurts. When did it come to this. I feel like a senior. The names for us really fit how I feel. Freshman (Zero), no clue whatsoever over what's going on. Then "sponsor" (that was the only word in English that fadder translated to), teaching the new zeros. Then old sponsor, no responsibility but still a fun time. And now senior sponsor. Right before the leap to the working world away from the academic halls lined with books. And then wait the dinosaur sponsor meaning that you are more or less dead. The worst thing is that I'm only 21 and still feel so tired.

And then it is the cocktail party tomorrow. Parts of me just want to stay 1-2 hours and then go home to my bed. God, I feel old. It's just to suit up and take the bull by its horns. Time to regain the vigor that has been lost. Time to party and show what the old guard can do.

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