onsdag 25 september 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E23 - The Last of the Atlanteans


*sniff* Why does this show make me so sad now?

Well, the Olmec friend survived the shot, for the moment. He tells them to overheat the generator and destroy the security mechanism, and as parting words ask them to tell tell Esteban that he is the last of the Atleanteans and is the only one that can undo all the evil the Atlanteans have done. As Mendoza and Leguerra runs away after following his commands, he brings back his hologram machine looking at his loved one, the princess that was one of the sages and buried in the tomb in the 4th city of gold. And then he dies. Gaspard is about to be killed by the last Olmec but to his indignity is saved by Mendoza yet again. They escape the building and the leader Olmec awakens in the generator room, is only able to figure out what they have done to it and then the whole place explodes. After that follows scenes as they get away from falling rocks, steps and lava.

Reenactment with Arnold

The kids oversee the construction and then Esteban and Zia heads to Zimbabwe and gets the condor to the cave to pick up Mendoza and gang. While waiting they talk and reveal their feelings for each other and kiss. Only took them 40 years. And Kokopetl discovers Ambrosius that is hiding and while Esteban checks it out he runs out of the cave and disappears, at this moment Mendoza and the others arrive, they board the condor and flies away. During flight they hear a strange sound, Mendoza opens the back door and a ball rolls out and are about to explode or gas them.

More stuff about Zimbabwe, bird that are on the flag and coins and also a bit about the acropolis above the city, especially interesting was the fact that some of the corridors was just 25 cm wide and no one knew the exact purpose. Some guessed that it had to do with leading cool air through the structure and other thought it was used by different classes. And that is classes in the marxist sense or something like that.

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