onsdag 2 oktober 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E24 - Revenge

Won't he ever die!

It's a smoke bomb, but they clear it by opening the glass and Mendoza is able to push Ambrosius out of the cockpit and land on the wing together. Leguerra is able to make him loose his footing so he crashes into the jungle below. And then it seems to be a time skip since everyones working and the kids are back in Chambord until a message to Esteban and Zia leads them to visit the village with the freed slaves. Zia has another vision showing Zares, but with the faces of Leguerra, Mendoza and Tao, implying that he's gonna kill them I think? So they head back to the others.

Mendoza, Leguerra and Gaspard is hunting and Gaspard is tricked so that Mendoza and Leguerra can be alone. Gaspared gets attacked by a lion and the next shot is off Leguerra standing up and putting her belt back on with Mendoza lying on his cape. If that isn't a euphemism for sex I don't know what is, it's basically Kiera Knightly putting on her boots in the end of Pirates 3. Well, Ambrosius push some rock on them knocking out Mendoza and tries to kill Leguerra, but she is able to grab his medallions and chuck them away and he flees when Gaspard, the lion and a couple of hunters arrive. One of the hunters arrive and ask if she is ok, but she coils back as she just been bitten by a snake.

Documentary was more about predators on the savanna.

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