onsdag 18 september 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E22 - The Gate to Hell

Doesn't get more heavy metal than this!

Mendoza's group infiltrates the Olmec camp and tries to locate the stone. They are spotted and pinned down in the hangar. Gaspard uses one of the flying machine to distract the olmecs and the other escapes through a hatch leading to the generator. They are stopped by the Olmec Esteban saved. He seems to have his doubt and seems to mourn a woman from before he was frozen down 12 000 years ago. As they explain the danger he agrees to help so he shuts down the generator and gives them the stone. The leader Olmec shows up fires a shot at him and Mendoza lobs his sword, both olmecs appears dead.

The kids meanwhile starts construction of the city and uses Zimbabwe as the orichalcum furnace to create the parts they need. They also recalls the condor factory in the second city and that orichalcum supposedly hardens by sound so they use drummers to recreate the sound.

Now the documentaries are on the tribe of Zimbabwe and hunting during the court of Francis I.

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