onsdag 11 september 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E21 - Hand in Hand

I won't cry! *sniff*

The heroes tries to tell Gaspard and Leguerra that the world is ending if they don't assemble the artefacts from Ambrosius, but Gaspard won't listen. Leguerra proposes a duel between her and Mendoza for either taking the treasures and build the 7th city or take the treasures to Charles V. While the dual is going on Pedro and Sancho is looking for food and angers an ostrich that hunts them and Gaspard away. The duel ends with Leguerre winning, but accepting that their quest is more important.

They get the treasures, but learns that the stone is still with the olmecs, and through the paintings in the cave they learn that the story of the shaman being kidnapped by the olmecs where the truth and that the cave probably is the end point of his escape from the Olmecs. Leguerra and Mendoza checks it out and believe it might lead to the Olmec base, but fail to notice the shadow of Ambrosius lingering around. Mendoza, Leguerra and Gaspard tries to get to the Olmec base while the others head to Chompard to begin constructing the city. At the castle Esteban is reunited with his father again that seems to be cured from his radioactive poisoning. He has to leave and assemble people he can think of helping them construct the city. Hopefully they save Mayuka that was imprisoned back in season 2 episode 1. Also, Nostradamus appears and informs us that the cataclysm will happen during the summer solstice, 3 months from the present day.

More Maasai documentary and a bit of the creatures of the savanna like giraffes and ostriches.

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