torsdag 30 oktober 2014

The Nest of the Condors

The kids and Ambrosius finds this lake, accidentally drops the golden dragon statue into it and for some reason this turn it into a huge robotic dragon that takes them to a door opening in the mountain side. There they find elevators to the top of the mountain and they enter... the second city of gold as the solar panels stars the whole city up. Beautiful... breath taking... musically extraordinary. Here they split as Esteban and Zia walks to the middle building, the same building in the first city where the solar reactor was hidden. Tao and Ambrosius goes deeper into the city discovering a library with scroll like containers, but the scrolls appears like the the map the Olmec had, but contained holographic paper of different constructs like... THE SOLARIS? AND THE CONDOR? (For you who don't know the Solaris was a solar powered ship the kids found in the first season that took them from the Galapagos islands to the South American mainland as well as destroying the Spaniards ship with a concentrated solar heat beam burning their wooden ships to a crisp, until the kids had to destroy it so it didn't fall into the Spaniards hands). They continue downwards and finds a assembly line... for mass producing condors? What? Are you telling me that as soon as the city powered up it mass produces condors? Do this mean that one of the cities of gold lies on the bottom of the ocean mass producing solarises? Are there gonna be a solar powered submarine?... Well, that seems kinda impossible due to the sun not reaching that far into the ocean meaning it is kinda worthless if it doesn't store it, but that seems like a hazzle.

Well, anyway, Esteban and Zia stumbles into this building in the middle of the city using their necklaces and as they enter they are locked in. They get surrounded by these holographic screens showing a couple of old men and women telling them some important things... in french so I have no idea what it was. They also get a new set of amulets that are whole once again. Tao goes  to find them while Ambrosius prepares to steal one of the continuing producing blobs of orichalcum. End of the episode. Now, I'm also gonna mention this after the episode information notice. Usually discussing people, places, historical events and such thing, educational thing. In this episode (I think it was this one at least) we are discussing the workings of the golden condor. I'm gonna agree when someone wrote that you don't do this if you intend it to be educational for children. Me personally finds it interesting in how the writers thought how it theoretically would work, but make an extra on the dvd's, not part of the actually educational material. Then again, I don't know more about what they said on the show since it was in french.

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