onsdag 8 oktober 2014

Hyrule Warriors (Post 500)

Hyrule Warriors

Post 500 and I will write about a Legend of Zelda spin-off, Hyrule Warriors. It's a button-mashing hack and slash game where you take control of famous Zelda-characters across the series as you fight the dark evil trying to pry the triforce from our heroes. I guess this was inspired by the final stretch of Skyward Sword where you are running down a spiral hole being attacked by hundreds of Moblins and you swing your sword and they fly. Awesome then, fun now. It doesn't get as awesome since then you were alone and that was pretty much the only time it happened. Here it's all about that. Enemies flies all over. Get's repetitive, but as I understand it that is the core gameplay of this type of games. I played through the main campaign and the story is pretty standard. Someone causes trouble, by the end of the second act Ganondorf returns and the twist is you got to play as him and the final is you defeating him. Around 20 hours. This isn't the main game. The main game is the adventure mode in where you travel across the original Legend of Zelda over world map doing missions to earn item cards too use to unlock secrets so that you can get new characters and weapons. I get it's at least 300 hours to complete it. You can have 2-players as well, sad for me there is no one around and the internet isn't the best.

So overall it's a fun diversion who knows how to cater toward action-oriented Zelda fans. The fan-service is all over... and with fan-service I don't mean catering to male sexual fantasies, even if its there as well in one case:

No, I meant more like the sound effects from Zelda when using some weapons, opening chest, even starting up the game. You have rupees, the music is rearranged hard rock covers of songs from the Zelda games and bosses have weakness that was from the games they come from. You at least have 300 hours to play away. A pity Smash came out last Friday taking up even more hours. At least the big console release isn't until December 5.

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