fredag 31 oktober 2014

The Disclosure

So by stealing the orichalcum the assembly line starts to break down causing the city to go into self-destruct mode. The kids unite and search for Ambrosius in the assembly line and they try to escape together. While sprinting over the closing city Kokapetl is caught under some ruble so the kids stays to dig him out while Ambrosius escape. Meanwhile I believe, if my ears ain't mistaken, they actually play the same music when first city of gold was destroyed. YES!!! The kids then escapes and trying to cross the lake they fly on the back of the dragon, but in the last minute a rock hits the dragons tail and drags it into the deep and the children are stranded on different ice blocks. Tao seems to be falling when the Shaolin monk shows up again rescuing all the children and of course the dog is with him. How he escaped I don't get (you know, french).

Meanwhile Mendoza and his gang is waiting in some snow covered forrest with the Mu-pyramid. And then a man appears in the same robe as Zares, but shorter... and thinner... and with a leather mask on. No, this is the prophet... or more commonly known as the High-Priest of Eldorado (aka the first city of gold) who sacrificed himself to stop the solar reactor to destroy all life on earth... or as Esteban's father. YAY!!! HE'S ALIVE!!! HAPPY DAYS!!! And now we finally uncovers the mysterious of the Mu-pyramid... in french, so I have no clue what's important with it or why Ambrosius had it. Well, at least I finally know who was on the ship and explains the changed behavior of Mendoza after waking up on the futuristic ship. I'm also glad I guessed right although not quite right. But if that wasn't Zares... who was?

Well, the last scene is Ambrosius arriving to his ship that has frozen in place, discovering that he can't fly away and that the Mu-pyramid is gone. He climbs down below the floor to a secret compartment... with an exoskeleton and he dresses up as... DAM-DAM-DA Zares!!! Called it, a damn robot, I knew it. He jumps out, breaks the ice and fly away, ending the episode. One episode left, oh I can't wait. Funny thing about that is... The Final Episode Won't Work. Not in french, not anything... GOD!!! So I had to buy it, so I'm waiting that the whole season will come with the mail. In English so I will hear what all are complaining about. Hopefully it sound better than the Swedish one.

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