tisdag 28 oktober 2014

The Dragon's Fire

I finally cracked down and decided to watch the last 5 episodes of The Mysterious Cities of Gold, but since I can't find them in either swedish or english I had to resort to watch it... in french. Meaning I don't understand one forth of what they say, but I might puzzle it together on the context alone. So it began were I left of, searching for the original fresco with the face in the Himalayas. They find a padoga or whatever it's called in a village, guarded by... a caretaker? A priest or monk? I don't know, he has a dog and seemed to be knowledgeable in tibetian music/sound technology, you know those spinning things that makes a sound? Lucky I played a lot of The Journeman Project 3 which took place in Shangra-La (as well as Atlantis and Eldorado) which explained some of the things seen here so I'm not completely in the dark. Ambrosius keeps the man occupied while the kid first sneaks around the temple, but finds nothing until some children and an old woman points them to a cave (we also learn the way to say hi, by sticking out your tongue, glad I've read Tintin in Tibet so I don't missunderstood that).

Meanwhile Mendoza and his companians are infiltrating Ambrosius ship in order to steal the Mu-pyramid, but a trap is realeased knocking Mendoza out while Sancho and Pedro is hiding on the deck. The kids and Ambrosius finds the cave and uses the infused gold dragon on a circle plate in the cave which unleashes the titular dragon fire showing them the way to the next Mysterious City of Gold... which mountain it was I didn't catch, but we are getting close folks.

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