onsdag 28 augusti 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E19 - Fallen From the Sky


Gaspard and Leguerra is captured by the maasai tribe warriors and brought to their village. The shaman is ordering them as a sacrifice to appease the spirits that have sent the locusts toward them. They try to escape but are quickly surrounded. 

Our heroes are beginning to prepare the building of the city, but news from Zimbabwe is talking about disturbances (told you it was gonna be a riot) so the king, Mendoza, Esteban and Zia returns and is able to calm the people with a really empowering speech, I think, it sounded good and I think the auto-subtitles got the gist of it. Tao appears and tells them that to complete the city they need the artefacts Ambrosius had gathered and they don't know where he is. The princess tells them that the tom-tom (I assume it's a drumming system, like in the Phantom and Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers) talked about a crashed ship near Kilimanjaro. Which explain how information could travel so fast over Africa. They leave and Pedro gets a kiss from the princess.

They find the crash site and also notices the maasai warriors so the adults let themselves become captured since they figured they must be the footprints besides the survivors. The children follows in the condor, but as they are intercepted by another locust cloud they loose track of them and then they are completely engulfed by the locusts.

And the documentary was about the maasai tribe in Kenya and then cattle markets. Which makes me recall that I heard about maasai's as a kid, but I don't recall connecting it to an African tribe. 

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