onsdag 14 augusti 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E17 - Revelations


I assume it's the rainbow colours, but it looks like two yellow and is indigo missing?

The kids return as the city of gold reverts back, and the light bridge take form. As they are about to leave Zia gives the white gorilla the helmet, and they place it at the cave entrance and starts working up a frenzy, almost feels like 2001: A Space Odyssey. They tell the others about the meteor heading for Earth but they don't know how or when to stop it. All they know is that it has something to do with fire and that it seems connected to the image of the salamander. They decide to use the Gate of the Elders to get to Chambord and talk to Nostradamus as he as an astronomer might predict when it will happen.

Back at the castle he has indeed predicting the end of the world. The other in the Order don't believe him and then Francis I shows up reading the final line of the prediction about the enemy long thought gone is making a return and we are back at the Olmec base and Ambrosius climbs up and filled with rage against all who has betrayed him and a red light envelops his skin and he seems to have healed himself, probably due to bathing in the light of the philosopher's stone.

Back with Leguerra and Gaspard they finally have been able to fix the airship and is about to set sail towards Spain, constantly guarded by to African warriors, but they suddenly disappear and they are attacked by a locust swarm that they try to escape but they crash the ship yet again and this time it's probably for good.

The documentary was about the tree that inspired the city of gold, everything from living up to a 1 000 years, storing 10 000 litres of water, the healing properties and the food you can get from the tree as well as some candy made from it.

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