onsdag 21 augusti 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E18 - Beyond the Mirror


Calm before the whirlpool.

They head back to Zimbabwe and then onward to Chambord, running past the king and finding Nostradamus and confirms his predictions. As he runs away they investigate the salamanders around the castle which leads them to an F they push and it pulls the special staircase down underground, leading to a lake and some inscriptions on to slabs of stone with salamanders in pools of oils or whatever they burn creating the fire scenario from the prophecy. Next is the mirror and that is obviously the lake. Esteban is diving into it finding some structure, but Tao find some contraption that activates and drains the water, revealing a giant golden cube. Putting in the medallions reveal instructions gathered from all cities of gold.

At the same time Mendoza and the king of Zimbabwe is meeting with Francis I and as he show them the staircase they follow the children and witnessing the golden cube. Back in Zimbabwe Sancho and Pedro is snapped up by the princess, but they have given up hope and only talks about the end of the world. One of the guards overhears so I'm guessing we will have a riot or something.

At the same time Gaspard and Leguerra is wandering the savanna until another swarm of locust appear and they hid in a cave. After the locust disappear they discover that the paintings looks like the Mu pyramid and the olmecs, and as they look out of the cave they are surrounded by several warriors from the tribe that have been watching them.

The documentary focused on the staircase and the emblems of the castle.

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