onsdag 31 juli 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E15 - The Witch


Tao and Esteban climbs down to the cliff where Zia is and she leads them to what she found, a shelter constructed by those that made the golden cities, seemingly being of both Atlantean and Mu heritage. They see the sages from the different cities they encountered in holographic form as golden statues and as they activate them they show a map toward the sixth city. They climb out and Kokapetl awakens and tell them Mendoza is a prisoner and need them to rescue him.

Meanwhile Sancho and Pedro is able to untie him and knock out several of the leopard men. Mendoza corners the queen in her channeling chamber by using water to douse her fire where she summons the fire leopard. With that he takes the mask. But the adults are surrounded outside with another fire leopard and the queen uses the mind powers to grab the mask and Mendoza's sword. Mendoza do what he usually does and start goading her with her inferiority toward a little girl with more powers than her that actually can wear the mask that she doesn't dare try on. As the fire leopard engulfs them the condor arrives and puts out the flame and then makes the queen lose her crown and Mendoza's sword. Mendoza corners her but in a last ditch attempt she throws the mask in the fire so that it can't be used by anyone. This makes her men lose faith in her since she destroyed it so they leave her leaving her powerless. Pedro investigate the mask and as the wood is burned away it reveals a mask of orichalcium that looks like the mask the High Priest of Eldorado wore from season 1. They fly away and follows the Congo River as shown by the map and Zia puts on the mask for more information as a storm suddenly appears. Which I feel is another retcon since I thought the condor needed constant daylight to fly and that it crashed immediately as the sun disappeared (or so I recalled it from season 1, but it might just have been entering a Mu ruin that dragged it to the ground).

The documentary was even more about the Dogon region the city was in and about the traditions of the elder who is made guardians of a temple and can never leave it, but is blessed with infinite knowledge from snakes that whispers it to them in their sleep.

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