onsdag 17 juli 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E13 - The Night of the Masks

Halfway through the season. Leguerra and Gaspard is trapped and tries to get the airship floating again. The olmecs gets an Olmecian flying machine and are about to blow them up with a destruction ray, but with some bombs and the liquid orichalcium Leguerra is able to create a bomb that stops the olmecs machine, and with another bomb she opens up the gate and they can escape.

Meanwhile our heroes have been taking a nap on the savanna, talking about the creation of the 7th city and even namedropping the Solaris, a ship from season 1. Mendoza wakes up shouting Leguerre's name as he seems to have visions of her predicament. Lucky for them he is awake when the Leopard men attack so they can defend themselves from them. They set off and a montage in the style of what I assume is classical African paintings shows our heroes traveling different tribes to find the origins of the mask. They end up in a village that prepares the Night of the Mask where they will dance and in honour of the returning mask. They also knows for some reason that Zia can wear the mask without getting hurt... since the kids have the condor and travels rather fast with it compared to walking or running I find it a bit of stretch, same goes for the leopard men that shows up, first getting Sancho and Pedro, then putting a hut to flames and then snatching the mask and Zia. The leopard men seems to be seen as bandits lead by this queen. Don't get what they are about.

And then it ends pretty much on Leguerra and Gaspard crashing the airship since their is a hole in the balloon. And the documentary is about the different tribes and how there is a special hut for talking that has such a short ceiling that if one gets angry and stand up you bonk your head. Also, the translation was talking something about the bad guy Obama for some reason and I found that really funny.

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