onsdag 24 juli 2024

The Mysterious Cities of Gold - S4E14 - The Spirit's Cliff

You know, this screenshot reminds me of King's Quest VII and Valanice in the well.

 Mendoza, Tao and Esteban is informed by Sancho and Pedro that the Leopard men was the one staging the attack and they spot them leaving the village so they run after. Mendoza duel one of them and is able to capture him. Esteban and Tao try to follow the others with the mask and Zia, but they can't keep up. In the morning after the fire is out they unmask the captive and he belongs to the village. The chieftain informs them that he won't talk since he is too afraid of his queen. She apparently sought Zia and the mask since with it she could hold sway over most of the tribes in the area and since Zia could use it she was a threat to the queens own powers. They notice a tattoo on the captive and a child mentions it looks like the one from the forbidden city in the mountain. The chieftain gives them the directions to it.

The adults go into the city while Tao and Esteban lands the corridor on the cliff and wait for them. Mendoza gets attacked and have a great action scene with his cape and Sancho and Pedro is able to knock out two leopard men and escape being captive. Mendoza isn't as lucky and is tied to a pole and Zia is dragged before him. The queen arrives and put on a crown like Zia used back in season 3 where she learned most of her powers. The Queen demands Zia tells her how see the visions and the secret city, but Zia refuses so the Queen uses her powers in order to manifest a fire leopard that are about to swallow Mendoza, but Zia seems more powerful and stops it. The queen order her to be taken to the cave of spirits without food or water to soften her up. Tao and Esteban notice her being taken to the cave and Zia finds another cave within the ave hidden by a statue with ancient markings, leading her to what I assume is the 6th city, but they cut away from it before reveal.

The documentary is about the inspiration for the cliff side city, which looks a bit like some native American city that I read about in a Don Rosa Scrooge McDuck comic. The one where the running gag is Donald getting stuck with a constantly refreshed contact glue, The Dutchman's Secret.

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