onsdag 7 april 2021

A DnD Tale: Curse of Stradh - The Amber Temple 3


Best enemy of the game according to the dungeon master

Still in the Amber Temple. Not much left so they continue on from the treasure room and pass a crevice to find yet another room with three sarcophagus and six crates. Opening up them they find 6 dead bodies and as they prepares to leave they awaken and attack them The vampire spawns gives them some challange for the first time since Death house and the attacking broom stick. And they are scary since they are able to grapple a couple of them (mostly due to us not knowing the rules) that allows them to use a bite attack that both drains their HP, necrotic damage that lowers their max HP and also regain the vampire spawns HP. The monk is unconscious after getting bit and being surrounded by three of them. Eventually the battle turns around as they dispatch the spawns one by one. Took us 2 hours real time.

After resting up and getting more level 3 spell slots for dispel magic they decide that there is only 3 magic doors locked on the ground floor so better clean them out. And the first two is nothing special. One just an empty tomb that been plundered years ago and the other three more sarcophagus. The third room is where the fun is. The monk goes in and is attacked by an invisible Death Slaad that have advantage and get a critical dealing 35 points of damage and with the next attack putting the monk unconscious again. The third attack lands on the sorceress that opened the door. The others hammer away at it, but having 170 HP total it at least lives to the next round where he blasts them with a fireball, hitting another 35 points of damage throwing the sorceress to the ground and the Paladin standing wih 5 HP and the barbarian being bloodied. Only the tiefling thief have  been able to dodge and use all her tricks to lessen the impact. Scrambling to kill it before they are TPK they hit it, but the slaad survives yet another round, leaving me with a hard choice. Either use another fireball, taking the paladin away and maybe the barbarian out, but if the barbarian stand, he's dead. Or use a Plane Shift spell and get him out of the game for good... high risk and high reward so of course use Plane Shift. It fails, so the next turn for the barbarian ends the Slaad's life. 

Getting close to death twice in the same game. I think that upped the risk for them, they have had a nice ride so far with me bumbling the boss encounters, but now they hit back hard. They healed up with all the hit dice they had and continued. Went up to the library through the stairs behind the crevice, found a way back to the ground floor and started combing the temple for anything they missed, especially the control mechanism for the shield guardian. They discovered a secret door leading down to another sarcophagus room, but being filled with ghasts. The sorceress used a fire ball, dealing 50 points of damage to all 7 of them, killing them instantly. They hit the level up mark and game slowed down to get adjusted to level 7. Finally, a level 4th spell for the sorceress, might just use it for Banishment, looks like a cool spell.

Continuing searching for the control medallion they finally get that the mage apprentice might have it, so while the monk distracts him by talking the rouge pickpockets him and get away with the medallion. Unfortunatly for them the apprentice mage's familiar Quisit appears and attacks the rouge. The mage instantly throws a cone of cold on the rest of the party, but the sorceress get to use the Banishment spell, sending him away. Sadly the wild surge instills fear in her and makes her lose concentration so he comes back right away. Still... he gets trounced pretty fast and they get the medallion. Time to pack up all treasure and get back to civilisation... and then the question arises, what were we doing here anyway? Oops!

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