onsdag 31 mars 2021

Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros.


Now Your Playing with Power, Nintendo Power!

I couldn't resist getting this. I have two of the games on it, the original Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2 (aka the Lost Levels). I could get Ball on my 3DS with either the rereleases for the DSI or Game & Watch Gallery releases for the Virtual Console... so technically I could classify my 3DS as the same thing. But there is something special in having it in your hand. We had a couple of Game & Watch games at my parents house so it was a bit like "yeah maybe get one myself". 

There's also watch... wouldn't be Game & Watch without it I guess. Also hidden within it is 35 secrets you are encouraged to find... although pressing A+B to get the timer shine isn't that much of a secret I would say. Nothing else to say really. Played around with the games, but beside the authentic way of playing it I find that the NES Mini plays better. I don't know what it is, but I find I don't slip around as much. Could be that I watch it on a big screen.

Well... that short. Happy Belated Birthday Mario!

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