onsdag 14 april 2021

Pikmin 3 Deluxe (Switch)

Love the colours!

Another remaster or port from the Wii U to the Switch. Been 6 years since last time. Did similar numbers this time. Played for 15 hours on the main game got all fruit and played it all on hard mode... whatever that entailed. Still fun, but only lasts a weekend when you know what you're doing. Same story as before. Three explorers from a planet ravaged by starvation is sent out to find food and crash lands on the world of Pikmins. How they were able to travel across space without being able to have a working agriculture program beats me, but of they go. 

While trying to regroup they find evidence of Olimar and Louie and sets of to rescue Olimar that have been kidnapped by some monster. Which I did in around day 36 this time. They also added some side missions with Olimar and Louie. First set right before the main game begins and how Olimar found the cosmic drive key and got attacked by the monster. The second set follows the story after he was rescued and how they gotta get the parts for their spaceship back on order from the company president.

That pretty much it. I gathered some people thought it wasn't enough to justify it's full price and I can see that. Still enjoyed it, but would have liked some sort of pack with all three games. I think they added something to the controls like auto-targeting since I can't recall that... but it's been 6 years so who knows.

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