onsdag 10 mars 2021

Ys Origin (Switch) Part 2

The Names Fact... Hugo Fact

Played it again as Hugo Fact, sorcerer supreme. Instead of the hack and slash of Yunica it turned into a shooter since Hugo predominantly attacked with the eyes of Fact that orbits around him. The beginning a bit harder since he is extremely vulnerable to close encounters and the first boss was rather hard, but the higer level made it easier since you can avoid the telegraphs and just hammer the enemies and bosses. It turned a bit interesting when the different play-style made me save up SP for some different blessings. For example, since close encounters was best avoided Hugo didn't really need resistance and shorter time on the bad status effects since if he got poisoned he was to close the enemy anyway.

Storywise it mimics part of Yunica's, but with some exceptions. First of, the Claw that really didn't appear that much in Yunica's run is actually Toal Fact, Hugo's older brother that turned away from the Fact's sorcerer line and instead become a holy knight, staying behind together with Saul Tovah, Yunica's father to buy time for the people of Ys to escape with Salomon Shrine. And he joined with the demons and Hugo was given the special mission to kill his brother for turning against the goddesses. And then we have Epona, one of the darklings that harassed Yunbica that seems to have fallen in love with Hugo and helps him during the game. The story also focuses on Hugo and the shadow his older brother cast over him and since Toal was shunned by their father for joining the knight and made Hugo the successor, a role he didn't really want. He also grapples with the fact that he wants power and that it corrupts him enough that he accepts Dalles offer for demonic power, which Epona has to beat him out of, but in turn she is turned to stone and killed by Dalles. Turns out that the man Yunica killed in her story was Eponas big brother, but he lived in this story, and so does Roy that stays with Yunica on the surface instead of returning to Ys... well, in Yunica's story he died so he doesn't get back to Ys either way.

Beating it unlocks Toal Fact as a playable character so that's where I'm heading next.

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