onsdag 1 januari 2020

Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered (Switch)

Who do you call?

From one game fighting ghost and monsters to another. This time it's Ghostbusters: The Video Game Remastered, the original game released in 2009 and I have that for the PS3, but I never finished it and thought it would be better to replay it for the Switch instead. And I actually finished it this time. And it was a fun game. Taking place in November of 1991 it begins at the museum where a guard stumbles upon a woman who runs after a wave of energy have spread from the Gozer exhibit and then he is attacked by an unseen ghost. Then the game starts in Ghostbusters HQ and the outfitting of their newest recruit... you, the player. You don't get a name since they have bad experiences with the last one. The shockwave of energy releases Slimer and you have to catch him. Which take you back to the hotel from the first movie and you find the woman from the intro that leaves the hotel.

Slimer isn't the only ghost haunting the hotel so time to exterminate ghosts big time. You capture some sea captain that was about to turn the hotel into a sea cave. Leaving the hotel you see an old friend again, Stay-Puff Marshmallow man walking through the city causing havoc looking for something. You follow him and meets the woman once again and has to protect her while fighting of Stay-Puff atop the roof. Turns out she is a specialist on Gozarian and was recommended by Walter Peck (the EPA agent from the first movie) for the exhibit, Walter Peck is set to keep an eye out on the ghostbusters by orders of the mayor so you quickly decide to ignore him and try to get into the museum, but are forced on a detour to the library since the gray lady is again haunting it (like in the first movie). You also meet another ghost called the Collector and have to travel through several dimensional portal and destroying a node in a powerful crest. Get to the museum and find a secret passage beneath the building and the symbol again after destroying the node. Back at HQ you discover the pattern lines up with the hotel, library, museum and a point in the Hudson river. You return to the hotel and travels to the 13th floor and have to fight... a spider witch.

Why does it have to be spiders?

Defeat her and the node you then head out to sea and discover an island rising from the bottom. Destroying that node and coming back to HQ reveals that the woman have been kidnapped and a strange phenomena at Central Park where graves are rising from the ground. Fight your way through and you find the mausoleum of Ivo Shandor, the architect behind Dana Barrets apartment in the original movie and all the buildings and sites you visited in the game. His spirit apparently possessed the mayor and you defeat him, the world saved and you get the opportunity to start your own Ghostbusters sub-group, the end!

It was a fun short game. I really like the use of the music from the first movie, all the references to the both movies, like Viggo the Carpathian painting with Max von Sydow reprising his voice by pretty much insulting you every time you interact with it. The characters looks like their actors at the time and it's nice to hear all their voices. I played it on casual since I'm not that thrilled to waste that much time. Something that bothered me was that I pretty much upgraded my equipment very quickly due to be very thorough by finding the relics so I had $ 60-70 000 at the end without anything to spend it on, do you get less money on the harder difficulties? Also, I don't like the save system since it's automatic so you can't always tell where the save point was if you wanna quit. And the game crashed on me once, but other than that worked fine. Maybe playing the PS3 version for the trophies cause there is no real reason I see to play the game on switch again (besides the portability).

And since it's Happy New Year as this goes up have a great time and let's hope 2020 gets even better.

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