onsdag 25 december 2019

Castlevania Season 1 (TV-series)

Love the homage to the game covers.

A little Christmas special as this goes up (although a bit early for Halloween as of writing). So I got my hands on the blu-ray dvd of the first season of the Netflix series (since I don't have Netflix and are a bit old-school that way) and watched it an early Sunday morning. Great decision. It begins as Lisa, arrives at Castlevania and wants to speak with Dracula about the secret knowledges he possesses and almost like an homage to the Beauty and the Beast-movie (animated of course) she seems to like a person with a big library... I clearly need more book shelfs in my home.

Cut to Lisa burning at the stakes a couple of years later and Vlad Tepes going berserk promising retribution on the people of Wallachia if they don't leave within a year. They don't listen so all hell breaks loose. Meanwhile we are introduced to Trevor Belmont being hounded by some locals in the countryside until he beats them up. Arriving at the last town standing he saves an old man being harassed by priests and it turns out that he is the leader of the seekers, a nomadic people gathering knowledge, but like the Belmonts being blamed for the demons overruning the land. One of the seekers have gone missing and Trevor reluctantly agrees to help. Apparently there is some legend about a saviour beneath the city sleeping and they try to awaken it. Trevor find the seeker turned to stone and defeats the cyclops and its Sylpha. They return and Trevor gets taken to the bishop who was the one that burned Lisa at the stake and ask him to leave town as the seekers shall all be killed for causing this... according to him. Trevor don't take lightly to this news and evacuates the seekers to the chamber he found Sylpha and then awaits the church move.

He kicks their asses until he is cornered on a town square, but Sylpha shows up using her magic to allow him to escape and turn the people on the church right before the demons attacks. Fighting them off Trevor and Sylpha falls into the catacombs and ends up at a tomb, where Alucard sleeps. Trevor and him fights for a while until Alucard finds them worthy on the quest to kill his father that wounded him as Alucard tried to stop him from unleashing the demons. 

Awesome shot!

I really liked this series, just waiting for the blu-ray release of season 2 this November (when I'm writing this, while you read it I probably already seen it). The visuals are amazing, and the voice actors... fantastic. The music is good for its purpose with the Gregorian chanting and such... but I would like something like the game music for the action scenes. But I'm hooked now.

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