onsdag 4 december 2019

Civilization VI (Switch)

L'État, c'est moi.

I was a short time obsessed with Civilization, played the original with my best friend in school, and then I read about the fourth game in the gaming magazine Super Play where two of the writers reported about their game against each others. They never finished it but it caught my attention and then I asked and got Civilization IV for PC for my birthday/Christmas. As usual when playing games that actually needs a bit of thinking there is a learning curve that for IV took me a long time to get. Maybe I was to young (or rather to stupid) at the time, think it took the second expansion getting out that I bought before it really got fun since I then discovered how to change which tiles each city was supposed to use to boost either production, gold or population. Rather important since I before that just let the cities go on auto and if you wanna beat the AI, you gotta prioritise. 

Now, the fourth game was fun, it had Leonard Nimoy as the narrator. Then I heard Sean Bean was the narrator for this game and then that the expansions where heading for the Switch so I caved in and got it. First off, getting to know the controls was a bit weird, but playing it in handheld mode allowed me to use the touch screen so it helps. Secondly, the game is working pretty much as the fourth one so not that hard to adjust. The problem is probably all that is new and more subtle that I probably need to get before making a fool of me. At least I notice certain differences. Like, no more water transportation ships just to get settlers, soldiers or workers across the islands if you start, say, in Japan. Also, the workers are limited to a minimum of 3 actions before disappearing. Forcing you to constantly make new ones... and I have no problem with that since it limits it instead of the 10 workers you had in IV just waiting for the next city being founded or finding a new discovery that forces you to build a mine on a farm or changing all roads to rails.

Talking about discoveries, they implemented national wonders that you can find around the world, doing certain things enables you to gain advantage for research and you can choose to research one discovery and if it needs something researched before it puts it in the fastest way to get there. Simplicity. I haven't played it that much since there isn't really a point since it's an endless game, you always feel the need for just one more turn. Mostly been playing the actual earth and Rome and Japan since it was the civilisations I played the most in fourth. Bit surprised that it wasn't Caesar and Tokugawa, but hey, more people to learn about. Also rather many new civilisations that I haven't seen before. Haven't played V so they might have been there. Game crashed on me once when I tried to check if it was me that offered peace or if it was Australia and I had to pay for it. It isn't that clear if they mean me or him when they use My and Their. Still, I just gotta... play one more turn.

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