måndag 10 oktober 2011

The Needle and the Damage Done

So the weekend has passed. A great weekend if you asked me. Really charged the batteries, although it might not have been the best way, but it was a nice break from the mundane looking for jobs and check the news (although they have been rather interesting lately). What did I do then? Party-time. A friend of mine invited me to a gathering of her friends so I didn't know anybody else. So it was drinking games, social interaction, out clubbing, midnight snack, after party and sleeping in a sofa bed with two others. They got the blanket but shared a pillow while I got a pillow for myself. Sleeping in jeans and a shirt with my jacket over my legs wasn't  that nice, especially since I was stiff as a stick, turning 15 degrees at a time trying to find a good sleeping position. Didn't help that one of the other began taking over more and more of the space making me fear that if I had to go to the toilet I would have to sleep on the floor. Think I got a knee in the back once. Woke up around 9 with everyone else, stiff, tired and had a cold, lucky not a serious hangover. Then it was teaming up with everyone else and have a hangover pizza... and I fear that pizza. Someone ordered a calzone pizza where the bread pretty much was dough and the filling was steamed cooked. Some who ordered a kind of meat-topping got them still red and I could only eat a bit more than half a vesuvio. I had some flashbacks from my trip to Rome with my high school-class where, after a pizza, I spent the friday night food poisoned and couldn't eat normally for the rest of the trip. Seemed to have dodged that bullet at least this time.

Well that was my privet adventure so the next thing was the debate on the public TV-channel. It was fine. nothing much to say actually. No sparking ideological debate, not much heated arguments (only once that stood out). Maybe due to the agitating style of the left not being present since... well, they left walk-over. What to say, the Alliance didn't do anything wrong so that's good. Reinfeldt was OK, the same for Björklund and Lööf. Hägglund seemed distant, but I can't blame him. He probably was focused on his own party trying to dispose of him, he really looked old, like if his hair had become grayer. Romson was a surprise, but didn't speak to me (I might have become ideological blind), but she made a no-no in my world when she completely lost it debating the last party leader, Åkesson. The same mistake it seems all female politicians do when debating SD is become so emotionally engaged that they can't keep their calm. It's a disaster and was handled much better by Lööf. Åkesson then? Fairly good, I can't deny that. The only time he made a mistake (which went unattended by the others) was when they debated the nuclear power plants. 6 out of 10 is not in working condition and we now use oil to fill the missing energy so Björklund wanted to build more, but in the Alliance Lööf is against it. So Åkesson tried to say they are willing to take Cs place. The thing is that they still wouldn't get a majority for that since C has more parliamentarians then SD (kinda ironic that the only question I personally would be tempted to use their votes their is no possibilities to make that decision pass the parliament without S and then SD would be completely out of the loop anyway). This would only made the Alliance open for attacks from S and V for siding with SD without any gains. But C at least should have pointed that one out with a little stinger about the inability for them to count half of 349 people (especially since they have already lost one by him going independent).

Otherwise the Alliance did the best, mostly since they put forward the best needles against the others. Björklund and Reinfeldt were the best. Björklund really got forward the importance of the nuclear plants and that the alternative was Russian gas (which "had two problems, 1. being gas and 2. being russian). But he missed to point out that we probably would get energy from the Finish reactors as well making the green hypocrites . Also the EMU sidetrack he could at least have talked about Finland again with words as "but Finland is in EMU and done pretty well" and if SD attacked that they could always tried to corner them in that if Finland is wrong there they could as well being wrong in their immigration which I believe SD usually put up as an example (don't quote me on that, but I think they did, I know they did it with Denmark). Reinfeldt also had his moments, especially how he countered Romson. The Alliance advocate that we should count lowering carbon dioxide in other countries as part of our strategy, the greens don't like that and it shall be on a national level. So he countered their argument that it's a global strategy and that we use less resources with that and "resources are limited", which is a staple in the greens rhetoric's. Romson stumbled there and it was nice to see. Also, the Alliance overall was good at countering the immigration critics from SD with that they try to change it from "passive victims to nurse by the socialistic state" to a more "active work immigration". It's coherent in their overall plan as well puncturing the momentum they have. Also a good point was pointing out the problem with the budget that 100 billion a year could be saved by lowering immigration and thru that pay for all the reforms SD want to introduce (many being left in nature showing their roots in social policies being just that, left). Also a nice touch now that the Social Democrats missing in the debate was when Reinfeldt uttered "the only one sounding like a social democrat is Jimmie Åkesson": Would he have said that if Juholt was there? Probably not, or at least not like that (since Åkesson then wouldn't have been the only one sounding like that). The ironic thing is that they didn't want to be associated with SD by standing close to them, but they didn't think about this happening and leaving those remarks without a fight? No that is a complete failure when the once reason they give backfires and they can't even defend themselves (and it was also subtle so it didn't feel like an easy shot do smear S with SD). Then again, my ideological and political glasses might make me blind.

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