onsdag 2 oktober 2019

Dragon Quest Builders 2 (Switch)

Prefered the alternative cover

I got the craving for another minecraft-esque game for a while and I could have popped in Dragon Quest Builders 1, but since they announced the sequel I couldn't say no. It's pretty much the same game as the original, but different story and a lot of quality of life improvements. I haven't played the original since I finished (since I got a lot of games to play through), but things like no breakable weapons like the original, you can create an armoury to equip the "soldiers" with the latest weapons and with a way to draft the citizens to help you in building from a blueprint. It makes the game more manageable since you can let the citizens build a structure while you go out and look for materials and turn them into building parts so that they can continue to build the structure. The builder also gets new abilities like creating water from a bottomless jug, a fishing rod, copying a structure, swap large areas with another material and so on. Also there is a bit more to the battle system, not much, but enough with some combos and such. 

The story is that you have been taken captive by some Children of Hargon on their slave ship, apparently one of their last since the heroes of Dragon Quest 2 have killed Hargon so they are a bit disoriented. While doing task for the captain you are attacked by a sea monster while the captain tries to protect all aboard... didn't think I would play two games this summer which begins on a ship that is attacked by a kraken. You end up in the water and then you wake up on a deserted island. You meet Malroth... which is the same name as the god of destruction the Children of Hargon worship... I guess he's friendly. You begin buidling things, meet Lulu another survivor of the ship and then is instructed by a Hammerhood to gather people on the isle of Awakening and build wonders. So you do that. Malroth and you travels to a an island to learn the basic of farming and have to create a tree to together with a pastor of Hargon, Pastor Al... HA HA. I love Dragon Quest humour. 

How are people so creative?

Second island is a desert island where you mine minerals to upgrade a golem to gold status so that he can fight of the Medusa that turned him into... a stone golem. Brilliant, and you create a copper bar, a silver bar and a gold bar (bar as in drinking establishment, but I love the pun) to boost the miners morale. Third one is building defences for a castle and end an eternal war between humans and monsters.  The twist is revealed that everything except the ferryman, you, Malroth and Lulu is an illusion in a dream world created by Hargon. Hargon's plan is to team up the builder and Malroth in order to make Malroth be overcome by destructive power and unleash the demon inside of him. So as he grabs Malroth you follow to Malhalla which is being destroyed and you have to save the monsters on it by creating a space ship and as they leave you have to fight the possessed Malroth and then end the fight as a space shooter. I loved it! Fun thing is that I cared more for the friendly monsters like the captain at the ship in the beginning, all of them in Malhalla and Pastor Al. Maybe due them not being as demanding as the humans. A bit short in the story department, but you got some content afterwards, but I don't feel the need. I know that the monsters from Malhalla survived due to a letters so thats fine. Got other things to do.

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