onsdag 9 oktober 2019

Castlevania (Switch)

So now I played through the original Castlevania once again, this time for the switch with its Castlevania Anniversary Collection. First time playing it was for the Game Boy Advance when it was released as one of the NES Classics and since I liked the other Castlevania games for the Game Boy Advance (Circle of the Moon, Harmony of Dissonance and Aria of Sorrow) I thought it would be fun. I was a bit disappointed actually. The furthest I got was to the Frankenstein Monster Boss and since their was no way to "cheese it" as the kids call it, I never finished it there. Got it for the Virtual Console on the Wii, didn't fare much better. The Wii U on the other hand with its save state functionality was the first time I pushed through the game, and another time on the 3DS and now this.

The game isn't bad, but when you expect something like the Action RPGs and get just an action game, my skills aren't really up for task. Since I haven't played it as a kid, I have to cheese it to not loose my mind since the muscle memory doesn't exist and I don't want to spend all those hours that I would need to play it legit. It's still fun to play through, the music is fantastic and even though I save scum to win, it's still hard to actually get to the end and fight of the bosses. The story as told before is that Simon Belmont is on his way through Dracula's castle, Castlevania in order to end the vampire lords rule over the land of Transylvania. You battle armies of bats, skeletons, armoured knights and several other staple of monsters. Then we have the bosses, a giant bat, Medusa, a pair of Mummies, Frankensteins monster and Igor, Death and Dracula himself.

This ain't looking good

It's not a long game, fun to play once and awhile. The action style of Castlevania games isn't my cup of tea, I prefer RPGs, mostly since I don't need to be super good at the gameplay.

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