onsdag 23 augusti 2017

Mighty Gunvolt Burst

Mega Man 11

Another game by Inti Creates that did Master Blaster Zero and this time it is combining the Gunvolt-series with Mighty No. 9. Gunvolt and Beck both ends up in a virtual reality simulation of Beck's fight against the other Mighty Numbers and are unable to leave. You play as one or the other in basically Mega Man and Bass fashion. I Started with Beck, got irritated by the level design and started another save with Gunvolt, finished it after much frustration, especially with the obligatory boss rush at the end where I came to realise I didn't get the special weapon from the fire-boss and I didn't realise how you changed weapon since it wasn't very Mega Man-esque. What you had to do was customise a special weapon with the desired attribute, but I didn't get that until I was forced to learn since you could just cheese the bosses with the health restore before the boss rush. I tried to learn their pattern, but no, it wasn't recommended since most of them are f***ing cheats. And the final boss-in-three-stages made me want to throw out the controller. 

All of them cheats... including the protagonists

So after finishing the game I went back to Beck, and guess what, the game was really enjoyable. Knowing the weakness of the bosses helped, but understanding the mechanics of the fruits, different customisable weapons and so on really took away some of the irritations I had with the game. And playing as Beck reminded me so much of Mega Man I really enjoyed it. Not so much that I would try to play Mighty No. 9 since I know the problems with that game, but would really like some more games with Beck like this. Oh and just so I can find it in the future and helping out anyone else having problems:

Heat (Oil Platform) -> Cryosphere; Extra Boss 2
Freeze (Water Works Bureau) -> Battalion; Final Boss form 2
Impact (Military Base) -> Seismic; Final Boss form 1
Smash (Mine) -> Brandish
Slicer (Highway) -> Dynatron
Shock (Power Plant) -> Countershade
Analyzer (Capital Building) -> Aviator; Extra Boss 3
Press (Radio Tower) -> Pyrogen; Beck/GV (Extra Boss 1 and clone)


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