onsdag 2 augusti 2017


It's the Eye of the Tiger it's the thrill of the fight!

So I got ARMS for the Nintendo Switch and is yet another new IP from Nintendo. And just like Splatoon I wasn't gonna get it since boxing isn't my thing. I don't even find Punch-Out that interesting. But then the lp:ers began playing it and some people I follow on youtube began talking about it. Still, the real reason I decided to give this game a chance was... the music. The main theme was amazing. A brass band section that escalated the longer the song played. It was Tokyo Mirage Sessions all over again. So I preordered it on monday before release and got it at release day and played it for two hours with my sisters husband as their family was visiting. 

Who couldn't enjoy this music?

We played it with both joy-cons and motion controls. It took a while but after some 5-10 games we started to get a hang on how to play. And I gotta admit I'm rather non-trained so my arms was tired after those hours and I worked up some sweat during that time. Think I found a good way to fool me into be a little more active during the summer vacation time. We tested the versus mode, 2v2, v-ball, hoops, target practise and even played grand-prix although alternating between us since we were too tired to go full time. Then my sister came by and wanted to try, but like every sibling rivalry I trashed her in the match so we shall she if she will play this game again. Two days later (since I had a hard time lifting my arms the day after) I played on my own and tried the tutorials and some more grand prix. One match I even tried with the joy-cons hooked to the controller grip just to try it out (and prepare for the next weekend when my sisters all come back and I have to try non-motion controls if we are going for 4-player mode).

So... when is the Punch-Out DLC coming? It's gotta come right? Little Mac gotta be the face for the Nintendo boxing games? Right?

The grand prix is just 10 matches (with two of them being some of the mini games at nr 3 and 6 to spice up the game I assume). The only noteworthy is the final challenge by fighting Max Brass... who came as a bit of surprise since it isn't built up in the story that well and isn't part of the character rooster (until he is released as DLC I take it). If you can call it story. Mostly someone joining the ARMS Grand Prix for some personal reason. But mostly just to win the grand prix. I played the Grand Prix 5 times at the moment and the only ones that had something going for them was the Mummy that apparently was looking for his dead family and Mechanica who was a fan of Ribbon Girl. So as a single player experience it's rather bare-bone, but it's fun to play it, and as a multiplayer party game it's really shine. Other than that the only thing one with a slight OCD behaviour can do is play every character in Grand Prix through all 7 difficulties and collect enough points to use in the mini-game to gather more ARMS and complete every characters set. I haven't done that as of yet and I might never do. One thing that was a bit strange is that there doesn't seem to be a credits roll after finishing the Grand Prix (I have since writing learned that the credits only show at level 4 or higher, we shall see if I ever get there) Mario Kart made you watch the credits on most of the later grand prix (difficulty having no impact). All in all, a fun game, just gonna see how my arms will feel after some weeks with this game.

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