söndag 14 juni 2015

Jurassic World

So my dad wanted to go and watch this movie so I went with him.The little I seen from the trailers I guessed that it would be like Deep Blue Sea and boy, I was right on target with that prediction. Basically the story is set 20 years after the first Jurassic Park where they were able to open up the park and searched for new attractions by gene manipulating dinosaurs to get a shock value. Of course the latest meanest and most dangerous of them is to smart and manage to escape. Threatening all 21 000 tourists on the island. You also have the side story of InGen (the company behind the gene modified dinos wanting to test them as weapons) and the family thing between the two kids that are visiting their aunt that are one of the chiefs at the facility. 

It was a decent movie that was fun to watch. I really liked all the nods to the original film, like recreated set pieces, the statue of John Hammond, the musical themes that popped up at just the right moment, some lines here and there as well as the only recurring actor from the first movie, the doctor that shows them the lab is the same one that heads the research in this movie. That was pretty neat.  Another thing to mention was when watching is that this movie feels like Aliens toward the original Jurassic Parks Alien. The original had more horror/survival feel to it while this was much more of an action movie, which I quite like. The main guy this time isn't a professor or mathematician, but a security officer which looks buff as hell. Of course it feels rather stupid sometimes with the whole "communicating with the raptors". 

This movie might not beat the original movie, but it blows the other two sequels out of the water. The main hero characters you route for, they are competent and the story is logical enough so that it doesn't break the immersion. In Lost Worlds most of the problems are caused by the heroes which have serious trouble understanding basic animal instincts (I'm thinking of bringing the hurt T-rex kid back into your camp putting all of your lives at risk). We shouldn't speak about III, that one is just plain bad. Really, spoilers, but the big bad dino of this movie escapes by fooling everyone it has escaped at first with claw marks and then being able to camouflage it self and it's body temperature. While they try to find where it went it attacks the workers that checked the cage which stil contained the dino. The fat security guard opens the big gate and runs out and start closing the gate again, but the dino smashes through it this time. Another establishing scene is when the director has had enough, loads his helicopter with a machine gun and flies of to hunt it. It goes well until the dino runs for the place with the flying dinos and scares them into the air and they bring down the helicopter (think the Charlemagne scene from the Last Crusade). Really, at first glance it shows us how smart the dino is while human factor caused the problem (aka the security guard being stupid enough to believe he should open the main gate). Although thinking about it causes some problems. First, how did the guard miss the dino clawing the wall since he sat just there? Even so, how did the dino know it would work? They make a point in the movie that he has been sheltered in that cage all its life so how did it adapt that strategy? The helicopter scene causes the same problem, first how did it know it was there in the first place and secondly, while highly logical response to bring down a flying enemy, how did it know birds or flying would do that? I knew because I saw the Last Crusade, but the dino?

This of course is a matter of suspension of disbelief and it worked until I sat in the car on the way home, but the aviary you could explain by observing birds around its cage. That still leaves us with how it knew where it was. Also, what is it with Jurassic Park and killing of fat guys? The espionage hacker in the original and the dinosaur guy in Lost world (you might count the pudgy good guy as well) No fat guy in the III, but two characters in this one, the security guy and the bad guy security boss. Is it some statement about human evolution and weeding out those not fit in some sort of Social Darwinism commentary? At least the black guy survived in this movie. Still, movies watchable and well spent 2 hours.

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