onsdag 12 november 2014

Shovel Knight

 Shovel Knight

I wasn't gonna buy this game when I first heard of it. Looked fine, but I'm not that good at platforms so I shoved it aside. That was until the reviews came from America. It intrigued me, the music enchanted me and suddenly I craved it so I awaited the release... and waited... and waited... 3-4 months later we finally got it in Europe. About time. And I had fun while playing it. The music was pumping, the levels challenging in a fair way... most of the time, the damn airship level can crash and burn for all I care. The story then. You are Shovel Knight, adventure extraordinaire who lost your best friend Shield Knight years ago and constantly have nightmares as she plunges toward the earth and you desperately try to catch her. You fight the Order of No Quarters to reach the Tower of Fate and confront the Enchantress who *SPOILERS* is Shield Knight, really as soon I saw the intro I knew she was it *END SPOILERS*. Awesome final battle and an emotional roller coaster for the good. 

The only bad thing I can think of is it's to short. Apparently they are gonna prolong it in the future with DLC. Hopefully we don't have to wait 3-4 months after America. Fun thing is that after playing the classic Mega Man Games I constantly tried to save state, but at the last second I remember that there ain't no such function here. I really am caught in the save state sickness, but I will not give that up due to be still quite bad at such games. What makes me not care that much in this game is the save mechanic with save points that you can destroy for easy money if you are good enough, but are forced to the beginning if you die. Also unlimited lives. In Mega man tough luck if your ammo goes out cause then the only way is to restart the level by dying all spare lives. Also, nearly no cheap deaths which make it, as I stated, more fair and therefore less frustrating.

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