torsdag 13 november 2014


Bayonetta box artwork.png

Another game I wasn't gonna buy. I'm not much for action button masher combos... since I'm so bad at them. But for some reason I decided to download the demo for the second game and test it out... and I didn't hate it, find the visuals interesting and since I got a notion that these games were gonna be the hardest to find physical copies for so I  bought them. And boy what a ride for the first game. The story, that everyone else seems to have problems with, I found rather interesting. I wanted to know more. Yes, it was incoherent, but if you have a 500+ year old witch who lost her memory, was trapped in a casket under a lake and only awakened 20 years ago, there's gonna be holes to fill. Of course time travel really messes with time perspective, but it made sense in the end... mostly. Why she becomes the left eye as she took the little girl back to her time I don't quite get. Maybe I was so distracted by.... uh... the fan-service. Well... I mean, who doesn't like women with glasses, long, dark hair and dressed in a skin-tight suit... made out of her hair... which goes away while fighting... No I should probably stop here before I dig my grave all to deep.

Really, it's just something fun about it being released on a Nintendo console with the amount of swearing, gore and sexual... well, it's not subtle. Hell, first scene is someone urinating on a tombstone with the directors name on it, Bayonetta dressed as a nun... and losing her clothes as well. Glad for the the off-TV play so no one else sees me play it.

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