torsdag 22 maj 2014

Doin' the Omoralisk Schlagerfestival '14 (6)

So I watched the final of the show and the bearded woman/man in drag from Austria won. Not a bad song, but with the political turmoil in Ukraine/Russia and Belarus and Russias strong dismay with the act before the show there is a lingering feeling the winner won for the wrong reasons. But that could also be just me since I found Switzerland being the prefered song. And per usual, they end up in the middle and a country song from the Netherlands take second place, a song that just drones on and on forever.

Then we have "inspired by”-songs. First out and not so obvious is Italy's rock song and it's the first guitarr riff opening. It took me a while, but it sound vaugly familiair to The Cardigans song My favourite game. Although that could just be me. The other one is Spains Dancing in the Rain, not counting of course the cliched naming with songs like Singin in the rain and Crying in the rain (I belive Children of ... is more common, but that was Great Britains song). This one is found in the chorus with how the rythm goes cause it sounds awefully similair to All by Myself. I can't be the only one that hears that.

Anything else to mention? Well, I belive that Georgia should have taken Finlands place in the final since I prefer 70's hippie rock over ”modern” silver boy rock bands, but that could just be my taste for the classic sound over this modern whatever.

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