söndag 7 oktober 2012

The Story of Vorsilder Wolfhunter (part 1)

Since one of the players is sick (the one that house the sessions as well) there will be no game today which at least makes it easier for me since I now don't have to miss the most important event of this year... the political debate between the eight party leaders of the swedish parliament. What? It's really interesting to see them debate with all their budgets out... OK, maybe mostly for the political scientists. So what should I write about for this week? Maybe I should describe my character for the DnD-game, Vorsilder Wolfhunter. Yes,the name could probably be better, but that's what it is. If we look at Vorsilder, the name is a cross between Draco (latin for dragon with the c and a thrown away) and Silver and looks a lot like Isildur. When did I invent that name? Somewhere around 4-5 years ago for a character that was supposed to be a silver dragon (get it? Silver Draco? Yeah, I've never been good with fictional names). Wolfhunter then? A spur of the moment random name when the other players wanted some extra backstory info about my character. It actually works pretty well even though it's pretty cliché. Why? Well, if I got it right,my character is supposed to be from Baldur's Gate, where there is a forest in the vicinity with werewolves. Talk about random family development by accident.

So who is this Vorsilder? He's a 150 year old elven archer ranger trained since birth to hunt and avoid danger in the woods. His first hunt at 20 (yeah, maybe to young according to elven biology, but that's what you get without proper research) ends with him hunting down a puma/panther on foot. Forward 10 years and his little brother is maimed by a bear on his first hunt when Vorsilder was in the city leaving his brother alone. Vengeance is sought as Vorsilder hunts down the bear across the land for 1-2 months, ending in a Predator-like trap scene in a forest following it up with an elf with a dagger on bear fight. Of course the bear is slain (imagine an epic melee combat scene between the 6´ 11´´ or 2 m 10 cm tall elf and a huge bear which end with the elf stabbing the bear in the heart with his dagger) and he drags the body back and turns it into his hide armor. Recycling when it's at its best. 

Still, although blood has been spilled the blame haven't left so he set out on a trip, traveling south to the Forest of Mir meeting a dryad named Cybele and an elven druid by the name Shane Stargazer. The next 26 years is just Vorsilder guarding Cybele while Stargazer is traveling the world and returning from time to time to teach Vorsilder together with Cybele certain abilities as Bridge of Roots, a magical way to make a bridge. How otherwise would an elven ranger learn such a thing? So then the Spellplauge happens turning the Forest of Mir to the Spires of Mir, turning Cybele into stone. Misery is a great way to forward character development is it not? Anyway, Stargazer returns from his travel and take Vorsilder back to Baldur's Gate. 4 years of therapy and it's of again with Stargazer to the east, the Dalelands. What adventures awaits them there? Check in the next post.

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