fredag 4 juni 2010

Roll With The Changes

This is a really good day. The essay has been given to the institution so I got free time until monday, when the schedule for the seminars are given out and it's time to read all the others essays. Freedom after so long time and Wednesdays all night writing. It ended on 50 pages thank god, 12 more pages then last year. I guess thats the smallest of them all as usual, but it took time and I feel satisfied with the result... for now.

Other fun news is that it was time for yet another poll. Now cementing the lead of the Alliance with over a 6 % lead, putting the total above 50 %. My party of choice end up around 7 % which is better then the last election, but falling from the last in that poll. Even more interesting is that the biggest party would be M who ends up at 34 % while S falls below 30 %... for the first time ever in the poll. That is so monumental for a party that saw itself as to be at home above 40 % and only recently began sliding down to 30 % and now even slips on that step. It will be such a shock for them if this turn out to be the result. Not only does the Alliance keep them away from the seat of power the longest time ever (the record was 6 year between 76-82 and it hardly counts as the government collapsed in 78 and the Liberal party took the power backed up by S and S even made a deal 82 for some tax reforms), they even pushed them away from the throne of Sweden's biggest party. A title they have had since the 30's. It is part of the party and their foundation of powers. It has now eroded away and left them crumbling away like a party like everyone else. It's awesome *ahem* from a swedish political scientist way of seeing things of course.

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