lördag 19 juni 2010

God Save The Monarchy

I guess my latest Golden Sun: Dark Dawn writings have tired some of the reader (how that is possible I don't know). Of course, it probably was seen as something different compared to weeks of updates with statistics of political changes. Nothing of that today. Today is the wedding between the Crown Princess Victoria and *sigh* the gym owner Daniel Westling. Maybe not the most royal of occupations for a prince, but who am I to judge? As long as they are happy. Unfortunately I'm stuck in Karlstad instead of being at the Capital watching the glorious union of these two. Lucky for the public television showing every detail. Maybe next time... in 30 years or something like that after we get an heir. I must be there at the coronation whenever that is.

And on a final note, yesterday I was supposed to be at the University for a lesson in European studies during the summer. I get over there around 10:00 standing just beside the door waiting, reading Metro. Another classmate shows up, waiting. After 10 minutes another shows up looking at the door. Apparently there was a note saying the class was cancelled due to illness so I could go home. None of us saw that melting into the background. If no one mentioned it we would probably have stood there for a bit longer waiting in vain until we had noticed the note. Feel a bit embarrassed though, but hey, mistakes can be made.

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