lördag 7 november 2009

Forward To Death

It's been a while now , but I have taken some time of for studying to my statistic test that was written today and now we hope it all went well. (Knock on wood) I gonna say it went pretty well, I hope. It didn't feel impossible so I really would appreciate if I could get that out of way. Especially since this was the part of the test I usually had a better point average then the other questions. Anything else? Oh, the studying didn't go that well. The last 3 days I've cut short as I've been to tired to do anything else and yesterday it even was a celebration for the "faddrarna", you know those who took care of the freshmans? Yeah, it's not really advised to take part in an alcoholic experice the day before a test, it's customary taken afterwards. Nothing could be done so it wa nothing else to do. And I was first on place. No surprise there. I actually beat my recoord with a long-shot. I walked past 1 hour before they opened. Me and time is not that great riends when I have 3 different times written on scribblets of papers in my calender.

No harms done as I actually lived 2 minutes from the place. But I was first no matter what the other says. How did the evening go? Fine for me, but someone was denied to purchases in the bar, someone wrecked the restroom and I don't know what. And I'm sitting there with a maximum of 2 ciders in my body and more or less analyzed the whole situation. Am I bitter for having a statistic test day afterwards? You bet I am! All well which ends well.

And now for the historical fun facts. Yesterday, the 6th of November is the death day of Gustav II Adolf, or Gustavus Adolphus the Great (the only Swedish king bestowed by that honor). The man in charge of Sweden bringing death and chaos unto the European mainland with our crushing army and carvings Sweden's path as a warrior nation for the next 100 years. Funny to think about today when the army is being bantered into nothing. And why do celebrate his death day? I have no idea but apparently it is tradition to have a chocolate pastry for that day. Mmm...how I long for some chocolate. How did he die? Getting lost in the fog in a crucial battle and getting to close to the enemy. The fog was not his only problem as he actually had problems to see. He really needed glasses.

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