söndag 29 november 2009

Cold-hearted Woman

OK, so I have pulled myself back to give my view on one of the political things that just appeared in the media this advent Sunday. Yeah, I've not been that active lately as I tried to rush thru the Tales of Symphonia game before my sister comes over next week (which I probably not will be able to clear with a Spanish test in front of me and some other stuff to fix) so that after we finsih Sonic the Hedgehog 2 we can start on Tales of Symphonia to the wii. Sounds like a fun weekend. Anyway, today the Swiss had an referendum about minarets to be or not to be. Luckily I'm not that well know cause otherwise this site will be overrun by demonic acid-spewing, people hating and unintelectual morons from the deepest dark of the woods or farmlands (as said a couple of times before I probably have the same view of people as them, but instead of putting it on outer attributes I look more into the intelectional department). Anyway, I will not say anything about the Swiss it's their country and they will probably be assaulted anyway from others. The morons I like to kick is the Swedish idiots that believe that there thoughts is in majority. God I hate.

They more or less wish that we would have direct democracy (like the Swiss) and use it to put those sort of laws into action. Only time I would let that happened is if we have a constitutional court to make sure that laws that doesn't break human rights can't be taken up to vote. Freedom of Religion, anyone heard about that? And I don't trust the normal populace as they are sometimes f***ing stupid. I'm still upset about the "Swedish system of laundry models" (in an irritating voice). Go and f*** yourself.

Anyway, as you see, I kinda resent those that are intolerant, but the problem in Sweden is that it has gone so far that even if you criticize things that are not OK with immigrants you are labeled a racist unfortunately. To be tolerant you must be able to open your thoughts for discussion but the problem is the double edge swords this have given the "real" racist from the established politicians. More or less I laugh at them as they are so easy to de-construct if you had the knowledge and the will. Once again the established politicians make the big mistakes that pave way for this idiots. After the awkward debate between the leaders of C and Sd the S and C leaders says the reason they fail to make a stand against Sd is that they get emotional. Emotional? The problem here is that they both are womens. And they get emotional? Somehow this goes against all their feminist stands that they are equal to men in anyway. If a woman can't do that, don't send a woman. Send a cold-hearted man with a smug face pokeing holes in the enemies completely disorganized rambles. Theoreticly I could do that, and I'm just a 21-year old academic. Without mediatraining and all the other political stuff.

This was a long ramble, I know. Not very thoughtful and mostly a response about the idiots in Sweden. The Swiss, I don't care. The Swedes, are f***ing idiots. I feel like humanhater overall. Or Misanthropy as the real term is called. Sometimes you must hate something, no one, not even people like Jesus or Mother Theresa can love everyone. They would go insane. Also, all curse words are probably due to too much exposure of That Guy with the Glasses site. That's probably also one of the reasons I don't get to fix Tales of Symphonia till Friday. Have a good time until next time, whenever that is.

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