måndag 30 november 2009

I'm In Love With My Car

I feel the strength coming back to me. Yes, I took the day of and didn't sit at my place at school. I feel like I will not even appear tomorrow until the late Spanish lesson around 18:00. I wonder what the others think with me not appearing for a couple of days. Probably nothing, but with my small craving of recognition of my ego, I would be glad for some remark. Anyway, I was supposed to continue with a thread of thought about last times issue, the Swiss referendum. As I said before, I don't care, it's there country and so on, but I have the right to attack the Swedish commentators I feel are really ignorant about reality, even if they say I don't have any clue about reality, which is true as I'm a theorist in heart and education. That doesn't stop me.

This thought was, what if the Muslims do like they usually did, before they settled for there "own architectural stile" and make the minarets in the shape of clock towers. That is assimilate their culture into the host-culture and thereby go around the rules. Like (I think they did at least) did in old times, they took beautiful Christian churches and copied that architecture into their own. Why not make a huge clock tower. Shape and instrument with just a tiny little room for the "caller of prayers" or whatever it is called. Everyones happy, well except those who didn't even want them to exist, but that would be so simple. Those any holy book describe an iconic religious holy ground or structure? No, so that have been left to the imagination of the worshipers. As long as they don't make it like a post-modern building that just doesn't look like anything. Can't stand that.

Anything else happened this weekend? Yes, the Swedish prime minister is coming to my University next week. That's gonna be pretty interesting. Then I've meet a former Swedish prime minister, minister of law and president of the parliament. And a couple of American politicians. The last news is that the industry in my hometown is going to cancel its production. For some unknown reason. I guess that it has to do with the German HQ having problems. That branch have been very good for years without something any bad signs. So my dad is getting laid of in a two year time as they phase it out. That makes him 53 or something like that. Hopefully we have some better time at the working situation so he can get a job really fast for his last 12 years or so. A fun fact about his job is that he has worked there since I was born, so that makes it 22 years, ending at 24 approximately. So, to end this, globalization is not wrong, just those with money are wrong. In this case Germans, in the Saab case, the Americans. Damn, and I really wanted to get a Saab when I could afford it. Especially this one:

Does it not look sleek, nice and increadably awesome? Unfortunately it will probably not be produced with how it looks at the moment. Called the Saab Aero-X, even its name sound awesome. I probably wouldn't be able to afford it either. Though luck, is it not?

söndag 29 november 2009

Cold-hearted Woman

OK, so I have pulled myself back to give my view on one of the political things that just appeared in the media this advent Sunday. Yeah, I've not been that active lately as I tried to rush thru the Tales of Symphonia game before my sister comes over next week (which I probably not will be able to clear with a Spanish test in front of me and some other stuff to fix) so that after we finsih Sonic the Hedgehog 2 we can start on Tales of Symphonia to the wii. Sounds like a fun weekend. Anyway, today the Swiss had an referendum about minarets to be or not to be. Luckily I'm not that well know cause otherwise this site will be overrun by demonic acid-spewing, people hating and unintelectual morons from the deepest dark of the woods or farmlands (as said a couple of times before I probably have the same view of people as them, but instead of putting it on outer attributes I look more into the intelectional department). Anyway, I will not say anything about the Swiss it's their country and they will probably be assaulted anyway from others. The morons I like to kick is the Swedish idiots that believe that there thoughts is in majority. God I hate.

They more or less wish that we would have direct democracy (like the Swiss) and use it to put those sort of laws into action. Only time I would let that happened is if we have a constitutional court to make sure that laws that doesn't break human rights can't be taken up to vote. Freedom of Religion, anyone heard about that? And I don't trust the normal populace as they are sometimes f***ing stupid. I'm still upset about the "Swedish system of laundry models" (in an irritating voice). Go and f*** yourself.

Anyway, as you see, I kinda resent those that are intolerant, but the problem in Sweden is that it has gone so far that even if you criticize things that are not OK with immigrants you are labeled a racist unfortunately. To be tolerant you must be able to open your thoughts for discussion but the problem is the double edge swords this have given the "real" racist from the established politicians. More or less I laugh at them as they are so easy to de-construct if you had the knowledge and the will. Once again the established politicians make the big mistakes that pave way for this idiots. After the awkward debate between the leaders of C and Sd the S and C leaders says the reason they fail to make a stand against Sd is that they get emotional. Emotional? The problem here is that they both are womens. And they get emotional? Somehow this goes against all their feminist stands that they are equal to men in anyway. If a woman can't do that, don't send a woman. Send a cold-hearted man with a smug face pokeing holes in the enemies completely disorganized rambles. Theoreticly I could do that, and I'm just a 21-year old academic. Without mediatraining and all the other political stuff.

This was a long ramble, I know. Not very thoughtful and mostly a response about the idiots in Sweden. The Swiss, I don't care. The Swedes, are f***ing idiots. I feel like humanhater overall. Or Misanthropy as the real term is called. Sometimes you must hate something, no one, not even people like Jesus or Mother Theresa can love everyone. They would go insane. Also, all curse words are probably due to too much exposure of That Guy with the Glasses site. That's probably also one of the reasons I don't get to fix Tales of Symphonia till Friday. Have a good time until next time, whenever that is.

fredag 20 november 2009

Computer God

Connecting system... Status check performed... All System functional... All Systems online...
Welcome to Niklas2.0, we currently experience some difficulties in motivation as time has been constrained for a couple of weeks. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope that it will flow smoothly again in no time. Have a nice day!...
Computer transmission over and connecting onward to The Creator.

Hello everybody (*awkward silence*). I've had a lot on my mind since last time, that is since the 11th of November. What happened afterwards. Friday the 13th I traveled on a train back home for the first time since August. In train car 13th. I really don't like those numbers. Then back to Karlstad where it has been measured to be just 1,1 sun hours in November. And it is constantly raining. As see you can guess I feel a bit depressed. It doesn't help that I got back the Project management test and only got 30 points of 48. It's G and don't get me wrong, I appreciate that I don't have to think about it anymore, but I was so sure that I would make it to a VG around 36 points and this...I probably hyped my knowledge to the max, but it would be nice to have a higher grade then G on some courses (only exception at the moment is Economics that I did fairly well on for some reason). It also felt so easy and it makes it even worse. The weather doesn't help and I can't artificially stimulate my feelings with chocolate as I've cut back on it for 3 weeks at the moment. How high suicide rate did Sweden have again?

When I'm not studying (which I cut back on from 8-16 to 8-13/14) I play Tales of Symphonia and I really need this colorful game to give some light in this dreadful season.

Creator transmission over and redirected toward computer... Computer turning all systems offline and terminating established links... Have a nice day!

onsdag 11 november 2009

9th Of November

Yes, I know it's the 11th today, I just didn't write anything that day as I got other things on my mind. If you wonder the title is taken from the band Victory's song from the album Temples of Gold, highly recomended. And if you didn't know the 9th of November is the day the Berlin Wall fell. For the most parts of the world. The Germans seems to have filled that day with so many historical happenings that they inofficialy call it "the day of fate".

Anyways, I got a haircut today. So it's short again. And what happens when I'm back at the library? It begins to snow. Damn cold.When you really need that large hair reserve to keep one warm, I decided to cut it of. It actually feel nice to have it short again, but you miss the sort of rock feeling that was in the hair. Maybe time to take care of the hair so that I don't cut it of in 6 months.

What am I up to now then with no project management course or any lessons at all except the Spanish ones? Just sitting in the library reading both the statistics and Spanish books. More or less, I don't have a life. Beside that I play some Tales of Symphonia for the Gamecube on my Wii. A very good game I have to say, especially the cartoon look with the cell-shading and an excellent voice-cast. It really works compared to like, Baiten Kaitos. That was some awful voice-acting. Good god, it gives me nightmares. It's a good game, but as some reviewer said, "turn the voices of".

Talking about nightmares, the Eurovision Song Contest national contest is beginning to come back to life (if it ever was dead that is). And it hits you with bombshells in the news and everywhere. The biggest thing seems to be that they actually, somehow, got the actor Dolph Lundgren, famed for 2 thing in my world, first playing the russian in Rocky 4 and secondly He-Man in Master of the Universe. That is not the best movies or acting moment in history. Of Course, I just have to see it in Spring to make myself an opinoin. Probably why many other as well will see it, except for those who, godforbid, actually like it.

lördag 7 november 2009

Forward To Death

It's been a while now , but I have taken some time of for studying to my statistic test that was written today and now we hope it all went well. (Knock on wood) I gonna say it went pretty well, I hope. It didn't feel impossible so I really would appreciate if I could get that out of way. Especially since this was the part of the test I usually had a better point average then the other questions. Anything else? Oh, the studying didn't go that well. The last 3 days I've cut short as I've been to tired to do anything else and yesterday it even was a celebration for the "faddrarna", you know those who took care of the freshmans? Yeah, it's not really advised to take part in an alcoholic experice the day before a test, it's customary taken afterwards. Nothing could be done so it wa nothing else to do. And I was first on place. No surprise there. I actually beat my recoord with a long-shot. I walked past 1 hour before they opened. Me and time is not that great riends when I have 3 different times written on scribblets of papers in my calender.

No harms done as I actually lived 2 minutes from the place. But I was first no matter what the other says. How did the evening go? Fine for me, but someone was denied to purchases in the bar, someone wrecked the restroom and I don't know what. And I'm sitting there with a maximum of 2 ciders in my body and more or less analyzed the whole situation. Am I bitter for having a statistic test day afterwards? You bet I am! All well which ends well.

And now for the historical fun facts. Yesterday, the 6th of November is the death day of Gustav II Adolf, or Gustavus Adolphus the Great (the only Swedish king bestowed by that honor). The man in charge of Sweden bringing death and chaos unto the European mainland with our crushing army and carvings Sweden's path as a warrior nation for the next 100 years. Funny to think about today when the army is being bantered into nothing. And why do celebrate his death day? I have no idea but apparently it is tradition to have a chocolate pastry for that day. Mmm...how I long for some chocolate. How did he die? Getting lost in the fog in a crucial battle and getting to close to the enemy. The fog was not his only problem as he actually had problems to see. He really needed glasses.

tisdag 3 november 2009

Wind Of Change

So it is finally done. The Lisbon treaty has been ratified and we can finally move on. You can still wonder why the Czech President waited so long before signing it and from me the simple answer would be to make a point in the Czech Republic. He is now probably seen as the leader that see's the best for his own country as well as being seen as a martyr for being forced to cave in by the other European leaders. But now it's over and all countries that want to leave can do it, but forget the single market, the law system and...oh, just watch this video:

As those who have read this blog probably knows I'm a huge fan of the EU and this probably clear the questions (if there ever was any). Of course, I can't help but notice that some people hellishly fears and hates the European Union and call it undemocratic. Fair enough, it has it's problems and the democratic support could have been better, but again who is to blame here that people don't vote in the democratic elections actually held every 5th year? Of course I've already blamed our politicians for not taking it out to the people, but there is also something called two-way communication, the people ask the politicians for answer on certain subjects. On the other hand when the people do we get this result. You also know my view on education. Also, I hope the skeptics actually have read the Lisbon treaty for now they have a chance of a lifetime to leave the EU with the support of their "democratic" people after a round in their respective parliament. And they thought they would lose their sovereignty. Best thing is that they can't blame the EU as it is up to their own politicians to follow (or lead) their people. God I love this.